I think it is best to pay in full as a buyer, then at least you have time to make shipping arrangments, and save up some more money for that part of the deal if your funds are tight and the seller does not need it off the property asap. Knowing it is paid for and that you have time for pick up makes the deal a little more comfortable when it is a long distance one. Obviously it is best to pay in full and get what you bought on a truck asap, that is just common sense, but if you know or feel the seller is honest, ok with allowing storage, that is a really nice gesture. It is best to get a bill of sale and a receipt if immediate pick up is not going to happen. Problem is even when you have paid in full, anything that is left too long is subject to further use, ( who will know ? ) and what if someone else comes along and offers more money, takes it out from under you + how many other dubious scenarios can one think of ? Paying in full and getting it out of there is really a no brainer. I think if other arrangments are to be made, like a deposit being sent and the tractor is held or anything of the sort, than the buyer needs to agree to terms that finalize the transaction by a certain time, whatever the case, you most certainly need to honor your word or the seller should be able to cancel the deal and move on to avoid any hassle. It seems a lot of sellers are great about storage and other things that may be helpful, the least a buyer can do is pay up within a reasonable time after a deposit is made, it's the ones that don't that create a hassle and ruin it for the guy who will do what he says he's going to do. The path of least resistance is best, it is also good to be nice to others, but there is always someone who will take advantage of it, that can make things complicated if you let it.