Well, Since its the holidays, I decided to get my first Christmas tree since I left for College and I needed ornaments. So, got some really nice glass bulbs dirt cheap, garland, the tree etc., but I had seen the Hallmark Deere Model B ornament at the BX where I work and I decided to finally buy it. Now for the ironic part - I got to thinking, a good chunk of my MF-135 was replaced (engine stuff mostly) as it has been in the shop, being rebuilt/overhauled. I wondered to myself - that if the steel and scrap iron that was taken out of it, took the slow boat to China and is now part of that ornament that represents a different model, manufacturer and color. Naturally, I wish they made a MF 135, but thats a slim to none possiblity. Though, I guess these days with the price of scrap being what it is, there is no way of knowing, but still for a fleeting second, it makes you think. I hope everyone is having a happy holiday season. Christos