Gentlemen, Thank you all for your time, expertise, support, and comments. I guess it's obvious that I'm "green" when it comes to farms and tractors. But I don't care; everyone has to start somewhere right? That's why I am here, to ask for guidance from those with experience. Perhaps some are right in saying I don't need a tractor. However, I have hired local farmers to mow hay on my property, and to harrow and drag pastures. Currently, I do pick up the horse manure the old fashioned way, with a fork and a RED wheelbarrow, EVERY #$@%* DAY! and I have a nice array of shovels I knock my ever growing manure pile down with. I admit, it IS good exercise. But here's the deal, I do have a small "farm" of sorts. And although this may elicit some scoffs from the peanut gallery, I take great pride in maintaining it, and I want my pastures to be pristine and viable for years to come. As I mentioned earlier, there is also a small amount of hay it produces. It's time intensive with the ol barrow and shovel, and it irks me to see these old boys whizzing around with their tractors on my property while I pay them. Besides, they are busy guys with their own real farms and I think they come by just to be nice. The gentleman with the comment about my purchasing the lawn type tractor may have been spot on as far as realistic usage goes. Thank you sir for your honest assessment, that's why I'm here. A real tractor most likely is too much machine for my place. But now I have a confession to make. I have always had a thing for tractors. I love them, and now that I have an albeit small reason to justify ownership, I am going to fulfill my desire to have one. I'm sure most of you can relate to that wholeheartedly, otherwise you wouldn't be here in the first place! Thank you ALL once again for all of your wonderful feedback, it's very enlightening! Here's wishing you all blue skys and Happy spark advancing in 2006. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to e-mail the gentleman with the MF 135 (possibly) for sale!