Old, You said the #1 wire is the only wire not hooked up. And the backhole has no Ignition switch? I"m thinking the no.1 wire is left off because it will drain the battery when not running. I"m not sure what style alternator you are working on some only have one wire and the other style in the 60"s & 70"s has a Battery terminal on the back side of the Alt. and two terminals alone the side that are stamped 1&2 that are side by side with male flat ends coming out. This was us on the GM vehicles back at that time. If it is this style of alternator it needs to have a switch to cut the contact(juice)off going back to the alternator when shut off. Not sure of the style alternator your working on but I have a drawing that I free handed a sketch of how I done done my Oliver 880. I haven"t figured out how to put a picture on this form yet, I"m not doing some right there? Anyways I will e-mail you a copy of this if it helps you that will be great if not just scrap it. Hope this helps? Mike