Whether you have 4 or 900 in your home, as long they get fresh batteries on time or you have back up battery sys. or combination of the 2. Been changing batteries every 6 months on the non hard wired ones, which are not far from the the hardwired ones, which are over 25 years old. The batteries usually check oput with some life and are used for other applications, I think it's good "piece of mind" I installed Carbon Monoxide detectors as well. Best friend was over new years eve, kind of troubled, and I can see why, he just heard through the grape vine about something that happened to a cousins family, just about 2 years ago. He had not visited in awhile, some distance, but like everyone you do your best when you can, other family members who should have told him the news did not, but 3 died and the other 3 suffer the permanent effects of this, being completely disabled. There is no doubt as to what can happen if you do not make sure to install a carbon monoxide detector and keep all your heating and any other carbon monoxide producing equipment in order, what happened to these people and so many others is very tragic. I think it may have been a clogged chimney that caused this, some mention of this, appears in this article, the news article is no longer available free: