01-13-2006 16:47:33
Re: OT - What have you guys heard about NAIS? in reply to Galen, 01-13-2006 05:35:17
I'm one of the more mistrustful folks when it comes to government. I trust no one very much, and the govenrment least of all. With that said, I've been using the chips and tagging my cattle for years (since the second year the technology came out). I support the NAIA 100% for precisely the reason most oppose it. I'm a commercial producer, I raise cattle to make money, period. My neighbors with the hobby herds and the voodoo health practices scare me to death. Some of these livestock end up in the human food chain, and with them come potential off label drug residues, steaks with dark cutters, tough steaks, and poor genetics. This all contributes to the reputation of the auction markets where I sell. We dodged a huge bullet on CJD, we wont be so lucky when hoof and mouth gets here. With National ID and tracking maybe, just maybe, HMD can be contained and controlled, without decimating the entire animal agriculture industry in the US. As far as precident, the brucellosis eradication program in th 80's worked. It hurt individuals (me included, bad). I was down $200,000 of borrowed money for 2 years at one point because of it, but it saved the industry, and me as a part of it. As far as taxation, thats a state issue, as far as I know there are no national property taxes on anything else and Im dont see it happening to cattle anytime soon.