Hi Stan, Well I'm just plain different. If a procedure can go wrong, it'll go wrong on me. I've accepted that and will not take any type of testing unless I've got a problem that I feel absolutly needs done. I went in the hospital cause I broke my leg. I needed one of those fancy braces where they drill SS pins into your bone in 3 places, shove 3, 1/8" SS wires thru the muscle that attachs to the 1/2" SS hallow brace. They lost my brace twice in 6days and I finally went to another hospital to get it installed. While in there in hospital #2, they take a lung x-ray and see a spot on my lung. Well Doc is concerned so in I go to the cat-scan where there going to take biopsey of the spot. They shove a 1/8" SS hollow tube into your back until there over the "spot" then stick a small tube cutter down thru the larger SS tube and take a snip of the "spot". Well your supposed to spit up a small amount of blood on this procedure so they give you that little kidney shaped pan you always see in your room. The "young" Cat-scan Doc pushs too hard on the SS tube that punchures my lung and I'm now filling up a kidney pan on every exhale and blowing blood thru the SS tube to the ceiling on every breath intake. Well the Doc is in a pannick state and there's now four other people in the room trying to help him. He calls my regular Doc and talks with him, about 30secs, then comes out behind the screen with a ahh-sh!t look on his face and I know I'm in trouble. Doc says " I don't know how to stop this" I tell the Doc, we created this problem, we can stop it, pull the tube out of my back. He does and the bleeding goes down. I'm really weak at this point, blood loss, and there talking about taking me to my room. I tell them I don't want my wife to see me this way and clean me up before they take me to my room as I'm soaked in blood. I look over at the CTscan machine and it's covered in blood. The spot just turned out to be a "valley fever" spot. Valley fever you get from the soil in Arizona from a parasite that lives in the soil and it leaves behind this quater size spot on your lung. You wanna test me? Not in your life time! LOL T_Bone