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O/T The over 50 Test

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37 chief

01-14-2006 20:05:19

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For very one over 50 this is a very important test so says my doctor. I just don't like the idea of a camera stuck up my tail pipe. I am already 13 years over due. I made the apointement, but still can back out. Has any one gone through this procedure? Talk about the worst job in the world. Stan in calif.

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01-16-2006 18:09:26

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
As others have said, the cleanout is the worst part, but you CAN get through it, just stay home and close to the bathroom. Test itself is nothing, don't sweat it.

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Jon in MN

01-16-2006 05:54:54

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
My dad had colon cancer at age 42, now my siblings and I get the procedure every 5 years.
The "clean-out" is not much fun, but no problem.
We will be dead a long time, no reason to rush it.

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01-15-2006 23:13:43

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
Ditto what the others said re: the worst part is that Fleet phospho/sodium stuff you have to drink. Yuck-ola! The actual procedure is nothing at all. They give you a little fentanyl/midazolam cocktail to relax and then you don't feel a thing and don't care neither.

The Doc's found and got rid of a couple non-cancer polyps in me and I don't have to go back for a couple 3 years. I sleep better at night knowing my "chute" is in good shape. Besides, my kids were amazed at seeing the color pictures of my "inards!"

You will thank yourself post procedure no matter what the outcome. A chance to easily correct things in the early stages if a problem is found OR peace of mind if nothing is found. Sounds like a win/win situation to me.

Take Care, David H. Dexter, MI

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Joe (Wa)

01-15-2006 18:55:15

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
Doggonit Stan I warned ya! You said you wuz gonna get your wife a set of crapsman wrenches for Xmas and "if she doesn't want them maybe she'll give to me". Obviously she didn't want them so now look where your headed.

Seriously, go get the procedure. It's a walk in the park and well worth it for peace of mind.

And next Xmas.....well never mind.


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john d

01-15-2006 14:38:07

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 Advice and a GOOD story! in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
Go ahead and have the test. As others have mentioned, the "motor flush" before is the worst part.

There's something to be said for avoiding "unnecessary" testing. There's alot more to be said for preventive maintenance.

Take the test. You'll likely pass with no problems, and can wait a few years for another. If you take the test and they find problems, you'll be VERY glad you had it done!

A little side note..... I used to work with a gal that was a health teacher. She had the test, and asked her doc for a copy of the videotape of the test. He asked her why she wanted it, and she told him she wanted to show it to her health class. Four of us were standing in the hallway after school when I asked her if she'd shown the tape to her class. She said she had. A male health teacher was standing there and said "You showed them a tape of your colonoscopy? I can't believe you did that!" Her reply was, "No problem for me, I told them it was YOURS!"

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John (C-IL)

01-15-2006 14:26:53

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
Colon cancer is one of the biggest killers behind lung and breast cancer. Get-R-Dun. It is a small price and inconvenience for a life time of good health.

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Dave Sherburne,NY

01-15-2006 13:59:42

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
Had a colonoscopy in July nothing to it. Medicine taste is the worst part. When the nurse
said I'm gonna give you 20 ccs to make you groggy
I said gimme 50 I don't wan't to know nothing.
Take somebody with you cause after its over He'll
give you instructions and you won't remember.
NOW if he's talkin Sygmoidoscopy thats whole nother
procedure, does only the first few feet. medication not necessary unless your on the recieveing end. TELL him you want the colonoscopy
instead, nothin to that one.

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01-15-2006 08:21:13

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
I lost a friend a year ago Feb because he refused to have the test done. When he felt terrible he finally went in and they found he was eaten up with cancer. Do the test and remember, it is the person doing the test that has the worst view of the whole thing. All you suffer is the indignity of someone trying to keep you from dying an unpleasant death.

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01-15-2006 08:01:14

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
you have to make the decision about what you let the doctors do to you

My boss held off on his colonoscopy until he was having problems and in his 70"s, they discovered advanced colon cancer, during surgery to clear that up they discovered the cancer had spread to his liver, he decided to try chemo and radiation but died anyway about 6 months later

maybe that would have happened anyway even if he had been tested anyway

there isn"t a right answer, you have to decide whats best for you and your family

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01-15-2006 07:42:46

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
Far too many of those test procedures are done simply because there is insurance that will cover the bill, and the medical staff is guarnteed a paycheck if you agree to the test. I go to the doctor only when I know I need attention, not because they tell me I need to have it done.

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01-15-2006 06:22:29

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
I've had the procedure three times since '50' and due for the next one. It’s not something I’d do every day but a good cleaning and they’re in and out in ten minutes.
A prostate biopsy is a whole lot worse.

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01-15-2006 06:09:36

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
Just had it done last friday the 13th. i started take the cleanout medicine thursday at noon (Fleet Phospho-soda) its oral laxative. Dilute 1.5oz bottle of this with 8oz of water or clear juice. drink it little salty no big deal. then you are totally on liquid diet till 4 hrs ahead of test is run. At supper time you take four little pills with liquid supper,Jello,soup broth. Nothing RED or PURPLE in color. AT 4 am took another bottle mix with two large glasses of water and that was all could have till the test. At 7.30 am next morning was to insert suppository. Then I left for hospital. Be ther at 8am. took blood sample,then youare put on IV bag and you will absord all of it.I went in Little before ten am and was back out in think about twenty minutes or little less. They put you under just enough so don't feel athing. I was coming out of it just as theywere finishing as I could just feel it come back out. All were very nice and yes I was worrried too but it was fine and the personell ladies and men attendents were all very helpful. You stay in recovery till you pass gas and are able to walk again from the sleepy medicines. They feed you soon as you are wake enough. I left the hospital at 11;30 am aprox and was back home by noon. Slept some when got back home as you will NOT GET MUCH SLEEP THE NIGHT BEFORE. the PREP is the worst. Give me e-mail or a call 319-257-6764and I can read rigfht off the paper what you will need to do if this confused ya. DO IT. Just plan on once you take the first bottle don't plan on getting anything else done because YOU WON'T. YOu and the toilet room will get really freindly for the next few hours. THAT IS THE WORST PART.

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01-15-2006 05:55:08

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
No big deal. The last thing I remember is the nurse saying: "We're going to put a little something in your IV to induce amnesia." Then I wake up in the recovery room. Everyone in the room is passing gas like crazy, because they inflate your intestines with air, and you have to get it out before they let you go home!

Now a friend of mine was having severe bowel pains, but his HMO doctor wrote it off and didn't have a colonoscopy done. By the time it was over, he ended up with a punctured intestine and he nearly died. Just do it.

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01-15-2006 05:03:45

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
The other guys are right, by faaaaa aaaaarrrrr the worst part of the whole thing is they give you an empty gallon jug with what sounds like sand swishing around on the bottom. You are supposed to fill the jug with water and chill it in the refr. 24 hours before you drink it . This is supposed to be done asap. I usually have a high tolerence for bad tasting medicine, but this was the woooorrrrsssstttt ever! Only every 10 years, but my next one is coming up this year. CRAP! The procedure itself is no problem at all. Good luck John L.

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01-15-2006 04:21:36

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
Hi Stan,

Well I'm just plain different. If a procedure can go wrong, it'll go wrong on me. I've accepted that and will not take any type of testing unless I've got a problem that I feel absolutly needs done.

I went in the hospital cause I broke my leg. I needed one of those fancy braces where they drill SS pins into your bone in 3 places, shove 3, 1/8" SS wires thru the muscle that attachs to the 1/2" SS hallow brace. They lost my brace twice in 6days and I finally went to another hospital to get it installed.

While in there in hospital #2, they take a lung x-ray and see a spot on my lung. Well Doc is concerned so in I go to the cat-scan where there going to take biopsey of the spot. They shove a 1/8" SS hollow tube into your back until there over the "spot" then stick a small tube cutter down thru the larger SS tube and take a snip of the "spot".

Well your supposed to spit up a small amount of blood on this procedure so they give you that little kidney shaped pan you always see in your room.

The "young" Cat-scan Doc pushs too hard on the SS tube that punchures my lung and I'm now filling up a kidney pan on every exhale and blowing blood thru the SS tube to the ceiling on every breath intake.

Well the Doc is in a pannick state and there's now four other people in the room trying to help him. He calls my regular Doc and talks with him, about 30secs, then comes out behind the screen with a ahh-sh!t look on his face and I know I'm in trouble.

Doc says " I don't know how to stop this"

I tell the Doc, we created this problem, we can stop it, pull the tube out of my back. He does and the bleeding goes down. I'm really weak at this point, blood loss, and there talking about taking me to my room. I tell them I don't want my wife to see me this way and clean me up before they take me to my room as I'm soaked in blood. I look over at the CTscan machine and it's covered in blood.

The spot just turned out to be a "valley fever" spot. Valley fever you get from the soil in Arizona from a parasite that lives in the soil and it leaves behind this quater size spot on your lung.

You wanna test me? Not in your life time! LOL


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01-15-2006 06:05:21

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to T_Bone, 01-15-2006 04:21:36  
T-Bone, you did get your money back and an appology didn't you? That's what they would do in any other business.

The good doctors don't wear signs showing that they are good doctors and vice versa.

My sister is an anesthesiologist and the stories she tells keep me out of the doctors office and hospitals until I'm near death.

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midwest redneck

01-15-2006 03:53:26

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
I am 36 now and had the test 3 years ago. The system flush is the worst part. You are asleep for the test, IV--with drugs. It is better to have the test and know that you dont have colon cancer then to wing it and die from colon cancer in 5 years, that was my reasoning.

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01-15-2006 03:12:54

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
I had the periscope job from both ends a couple of years ago. The clean out is the only bad part. The only thing I can add to the other comments is invest in Chubs or other baby wipes. You'll thank yourself (and me).:) Good luck. Regards, Cosmo

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01-15-2006 02:05:14

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
37 chief,
You wrote: "but still can back out"
On a lighter note, I hope that wasn"t a pun on the procedure!
I don"t think it was in this case.
A friend of mine even had to have a general anaesthetic to have it done - and he was a "must have it done" as he has already had some cancer treatment. He felt on top of the world when he was given the "all clear"
Go ahead, bite the bullet, better now than when trouble is apparent. You are probably right about worst job in the world, but remember those poor souls that are doing it - day in, day out!
Regards, RAB

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Hugh MacKay

01-15-2006 01:02:00

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
Chief: Been there and done that. The proceedure itself was quite painless. The biggest grief I had was empting out the digestive system and going through the process of it filling up again afterwards. Debatable which is worse.

One thing about this, it has been being done for some 20 years now, thus there is not much chance of you being a human guinnea pig. The risk I was told was the possibility of this device rupturing the large intestine. Doc. convinced me he would know this immediately, and it would require surgery. That never happened and I understand it rarely does.

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01-14-2006 22:13:16

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
Chief, it is a walk in the park. I have had it done twice. The first time I had the same fear you did. Second time it was just another day I had to get up earlier than normal. Just tell the person with the drugs that you don't want to remember anything and you will wake up feeling fine back in your room. Thats what I did the second time. The first time I woke up about three times and watched it on the tv screen, then would go back out. Different Doctors give different things to clean you out. Mine gave me the same thing Harley had and that is by far the worst part of the whole thing. You have to drink one gal. of this very salty tasting stuff in one hour. Eight ozs. every ten min. and it gets tuff after the second glass. You can get it flavored, orange or grape, but it still taste like diesel fuel. Chill it and it helps a little. They gave my wife exlax and she had to fast for two days. I guess given the choice I would do the liquid and get it over in the hr. They will pump you full of air and you will pass that for a few hrs. Again, no pain and it takes about 35 min.

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Tim B From MA

01-14-2006 21:07:22

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  

The stuff they give you so you are relaxed as they go about their business is worth the trip all by itself. Not to mention the peace of mind knowing what it going on in there, or better yet, that there is nothing going on in there.

The procedure is absolutely painless - no physical discomfort at all. Go with a smile on your face.

Good luck.

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Roy Suomi

01-14-2006 21:04:10

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
I had it " done " about 6 months ago.. It was sort of embassing at first.. I got over it. I went to my wifes cancer surgeon to have it done.My doctor recomended him. I couldn't use my own doctor because his facility wasn't approved by my insurance co.I had to go to either a hospital or same day surgery to have it done. The only stipulation I made to the staff there was " No pointing and laughing "..It wasn't anything..They put me out , I didn't feel a thing.I didn't feel violated. And , everything came out good . He doesn't want to see me for 5 years.. I did however have a kidney stone removed about 3 years ago... They had to go up through " Little Hoolio " , through my bladder , up into a euretor to grab that pesky devel.. My first Pee was a real rail grabber...If any of you have calcium stones , drink a tall glass of orange juice every morning..Stay away from cheese and whole milk.. I haven't had any reoccurances...

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01-14-2006 20:56:40

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
couple years ago friend of mine had the camera ran in both ends. he said he hoped he had to swallow it first or if not they at least washed it. his way of shedding humor on something nobody wants to talk about serious though have the test by all means could save your life

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730 virgil

01-14-2006 20:51:28

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
harley has it right about the crud you have to drink it cleans you out big time it got so i was wearing just my boxer shorts but the plumbing checked fine i had a local knocked me out i never knew what happened

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37 chief

01-14-2006 22:23:46

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 730 virgil, 01-14-2006 20:51:28  
So if my shop is a block away from the house, I shoulden't take the stuff to the shop and drink it? I can still run fairly fast. Stan

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730 virgil

01-15-2006 13:56:48

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 22:23:46  
nope that won't work tell everyone the bathroom is mine today you'll need it

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01-14-2006 20:47:25

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
No food, just clear liquid for a day ahead. Lotsa clean out chemicals, stimulants and fleetwash. Spotless inside so they can get a good look.
Do not, repeat NOT, stop at Waffle House on the way home to celebrate the lifting of restrictions.

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Jim Broughton

01-14-2006 20:37:31

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
I've had it done twice...as the others said it is relatively painless..AND it could prevent your having surgery later on !! Some Doctors and clinics take a nice color picture of your inner rectum and give it to you...suitable for framing !! I gave mine, all neatly glass framed to my son-in-law for Christmas ...He was amazed at first, then he figured out what it was and I had to run like Hell! Good Luck...Jim

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Bernie in MA

01-14-2006 20:26:24

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
Two years ago I changed doctors, several reasons. The new guy asked me if I'd had one, told him no. I was 18 years overdue and he strongly recommended it. Best move I ever made. They found cancer cells on a polyp and took it off. Absolutely painless. I had no symtoms (bleeding,etc). If I had waited until I did I would have been in big trouble.

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old art

01-14-2006 20:21:45

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to 37 chief, 01-14-2006 20:05:19  
the tail pipe might be rough try the down spout with the camra the the next time with the camra and the tools at the same time. makes you get out of kilter for a day but it is a lot better than have them slice you open to clean out the bladder been there 3 times going again next week

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01-14-2006 20:29:13

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 Re: O/T The over 50 Test in reply to old art, 01-14-2006 20:21:45  
Chief, while the test might well be unseemly, unmanly, and downright embarrassing, it is almighty necessary for us "more mature" fellas. The worst part is the crap they make you drink a gallon of before the test so they can spot stuff. Had it done a year or so ago, and believe me, I too was apprehensive. Not to worry. The staff are professionals, and if you think you don't like it, just stop and think what they are going through. Anyway, they went in, or up, or well you know what I mean, and radiated several small pollops or small growths in there that weren't anything now but that could have grown into something later, and I was out in an hour. No hits, no runs, and no errors. For heaven's sake get it done. It is the most treatable thing there is, but the least observed bedcause it is "unseamly". Bullhockey. I'm as manly as the next guy, but now I have the well feeling of knowing I have a clean puter. Harley

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