No offence taken to all replys. The head and block had not been cleaned when it was reassembled at a previous time. There was a lot of greese in between the gasket and hard surfaces. The head seemed to not have been torque down before as the head bolts were loose, in my opinion. I did how ever turn the engine over to clean all the gunk out of the cylinders that fell in when I removd the haed. Answers to your questions: Yes the plugs are in. Yes I positioned the gasket prorerly with the marked side in the down position, "This side down." No I did not send the head out to be checked for warpness. It had new valves in it and I checked it with a straight edge and it appeared to be fine. After I climbed in bed last I thought about checking the valves so that may be the problem but I am willing to hear everyones ideas. No there is absolutely 0 lbs pressure on all cylinders. Yes I used a torque wrench and yes I tightened them to the specs. Another question I have is could turning the motor over without the head on mess up the timming? How? I did not remove the cam just the head, rocker arms and push rods. Let me have it if I have done something wrong. I am young and just learning. My dad is a big help but has limited knowlage. Sorry for posting here but the Allis board seems to be down. Thanks again for all your help i really appreacheate(?) it. Tyler