Trucks have a lot or potential to be very dangerous, very sad to hear that, a friend runs a garbage collection business and last fall while 2 trucks were backed up to each other, his father was crushed between them, he survived and I have not heard how he's been recovering lately. A lot of it has to do with being seen and or knowing where people are. I did something foolish 3 years ago, after taking delivery of my crawler, I ran around the front of the nose of the tractor trailer to let him know I'd be down to the shop to pay in person the following week, but my friend Sean who was driving, did not see me, as I cleared the other side another friend helping with traffic grabbed me an pulled me further away from it, I barely made it across and the truck took off, another friend was in the traffic and saw what I did, I'm still not sure what ever got into me, was always in a hurry, never stood still for long making sure all the I's are dotted and T's crossed, job, home etc. not anymore after that eyeopener, was a real dumb move and still creeps me out to think of it. Lets hope this person makes a recovery, that is a tough injury to deal with.