Well, I might have located the tractor I've been looking for over the last 6 months or so.A 1972 International 656 Diesel with a White Quick Attach loader for $5,495. It is at Swiderski Equip Inc. in Wausau, Wisconsin. It's not perfect and isn't going to win a beauty contest but the loader looks decent and being a QA is a big plus and it being a diesel is a plus too. They took it in on a trade and don't really know much about it. Tires are poor but will last a little while. The guy wasn't sure if the TA was good or not. He's going to take some more pictures for me and start it up and see if the TA works. I forgot to ask about the brakes. Here are the pictures I have and the description. 

And here is the description from the ad: 1972 INTERNATIONAL 656, S/N: 049557, Stk #: 01IH2444, 4908 hours, 56 hp, 2WD, IH 656 WITH WHITE 1730QA LOADER. 56 HP, 540 PTO, 2 REMOTES, 72" BUCKET $5,495 From talking with them I think I can get it a little cheaper. Hopefully I can get a good hauling price as it is 1,314 miles from me! I've gotten a couple quotes as low as $1.00 a mile from Pennsylvania before but Wisconsin may be a little farther off the beaten track. Any input or advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Nathan