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Parts Person- What qualities do you like or dislik

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03-04-2006 11:33:27

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Intrested on what are your likes and dislikes when dealing with a parts person. What qaulities do you like to see. What can they do better to better serve their customers.

I"m asking because of new employment at a local John Deere (brand doesn"t matter)dealership. Figured with the melting pot of individuals visiting this site, there has to be opinions.

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john d

03-06-2006 08:08:21

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
I prefer someone that has a knowlege of their product line, and is willing to LISTEN when someone gives them a unique problem. I've seen parts guys' eyes roll back in their heads when I've asked for a couple of parts that didn't come on the same machine originally.

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03-05-2006 10:30:04

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
I like parts people who get my parts when they say they will, and get the right stuff. That said, mistakes do at times happen. That's life. The good ones own up to it and make it right. The rest don't see me any more. I can also recall a local bearing suppler that had a woman in the shop at one time and she was a lot better than the men that were there. I could call up, give her a number, and lo and behold, I'd pick up the bearings I ordered then next day. I could give the other goofballs the number and still get the wrong part. I've got little patience for fools who tell me a part doesn't exist when I'm reading the number off it in my hand. That particular branch closed up about 2 years ago, I think largely because of that clown. Now he's at another place down town, and providing the same type service. None at all. Easier to get on the phone and deal with somebody competent 3 hours away, and ship by courior. That guy was a noteable exception though, as most I deal with are very curtious, and very reliable. Easy to deal with.


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Mike M

03-05-2006 11:26:57

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to RodInNS, 03-05-2006 10:30:04  
Your tale of giving the parts person a number off a bearing and then getting it wrong reminds me of a funny (now) thing that happened to me. A fellow calls up looking for a bearing and reads me the number right off of it. Well I couldn't come up with that number to save my life ? It didn't show up anywhere in any books or computers. I started questioning what it was for and such and it sounded like something we should have.

Then it dawned on me ? it was such a number if read from the other side of the bearing it still made sense but was wrong. I don't remember the exact numbers but something like if you had 686 read from the other side reads 989 all ended well as we had it and we keep our cools and sorted it out.

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03-05-2006 19:08:31

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to Mike M, 03-05-2006 11:26:57  
I know what you mean. It can be easy to make a mistake like that. I know, I've done it too. However, that's usually a pretty easy one to sort out, and like you say, you both laugh later. One other problem I've had at times, especially with bearings, was that of closed product runs or whatever the term is. The OEM would source a specific bearing from Timken or whomever, and Timken would only produce and sell that bearing to the OEM. They would not send it out through their own distribution network. And you can search and search and search, and nothing comes up.
This guy I dealt with though was just a case of his own. Just slack from the word go. I was in 2 weeks ago to the store looking for a speedi-sleeve. He wasn't in, and he's the only guy that deals with that product in the store. I mic'd the shaft and left the dimensions for him, and a message to call me. He didn't call back. These things happen. So several days later, I get back to him and ask about the sleeve. "OH" says he. " I forgot about that." Nice say I. Please order the sleeve. "Will do. Be here in a couple days. Will call when it arrives." Don't hear.... don't hear.... Went in Wednesday, as I was going past anyway. Did my sleeve come in? "Oh, that....." "Umm.... yeah... I forgot to order that. I'll order it right away." Forget it, says I. Don't need it now anyway. Stupidity was mighty good of him. Saved me 50 bucks without even trying. Going to save me more next time too, because I'm going to call 3 hours away to get what I need without the hassle.
I'm a good deal more patient than a lot of customers that these people deal with. I get along great with 90% of those I deal with, and for the most part they're great guys that know their stuff, but there are a few of these jokers that really pis$ me off. Once or twice, you forgive this stuff, but when it's every time..... I'm not the only person to be more than disgusted with this particular operation either. Most people are making the phone call now. Take care.


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03-05-2006 05:59:20

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
Some one who can find an obscure part without having to have a part number, vehicle model number or year (i.e. a bearing from a 1974 IH tractor that is being used on a homemade wagon). You bring in the bad one and they can find you a good one. Also - someone who will treat all customers the same, regardless of the fact I may be buying a $12 dollar part and you know the guy beside me has a list totalling $23,458.93 - he's in there every week and this is my first trip. Know yer parts!

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Mike M

03-05-2006 05:54:11

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
I have worked in several different parts departments and one thing I dislike is co-workers (usually managers)that are screw-ups and keep lying to cover it up. We have all heard the stories,the shipper didn't show up,the parts are backordered,they are NLA,etc. Don't get me wrong these things do happen and we all will screw-up, but own up to it and learn from a mistake and take steps to keep from repeating them.

A great resource is if you have a service dept. and they will let you go back once in awhile so you can see first hand where this stuff goes. You can also learn alot from the techs. that will help you serve the customers better too because they always have questions about how to replace it. Just actually seeing where something goes and what all has to come off to get at it can really help down the road.

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Tim in NB

03-05-2006 12:13:11

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to Mike M, 03-05-2006 05:54:11  
I agree 100%!!! I learned the most from the mechanics on the shop floor. Once they find out you can screw a screw they are more than willing to show you how it goes together or how it works. Used to work in the parts department of a Freightliner truck dealer. The worst part about being a parts man is the low pay! That is why I changed occupations.

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Mike M

03-06-2006 19:28:38

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to Tim in NB, 03-05-2006 12:13:11  
Low pay I hear ya ! What kinda job did you change over to ?

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03-05-2006 05:00:29

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
I appreciate all the comments so far. Keep them coming. I"m taking notes to use and I"m sure I"ll share this information with the other parts person so we can make a good team.

Again thanks.

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03-04-2006 20:08:31

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
i don't care what kind of attitude they have as long as I get my parts after all they can kiss my rear if they don't like me .

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03-05-2006 11:23:16

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to Leland, 03-04-2006 20:08:31  
Leland, I think it might be time for you to work behind a counter and see how it feels to wait on customers like yourself. You put your pants on the same way everyone else does. You are no better than the parts man or owner of the dealershsip. If you came in with an attitude like that, some dealers would tell you to go somewhere else. No dealership needs a customer with an attitude like that. So, take a walk in somebody elses shoes. Go work at McD's and see how you like rude customers. Customers like you described yourself, are the reason that I had a box out back that I would go kick 50 yds after you left. You should show respect to the parts man. Afterall, you do need that part to get back in operating condition.

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03-05-2006 13:09:56

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to colekicker, 03-05-2006 11:23:16  
Been there done that worked for one of the largest parts suppliers in my part of state for a couple of years and it was nothing special belive me . But it's hard to respect a buffoon that takes a 1/2 an hour to look up a part like a dist cap or a set of plug wires , and this warehouse wonders why it has gone by the way side . But as I posted most parts men think they are gods and they wield unstoppable powers , not knocking all of them but there sure is a lot of them that need taken out back and have the crap kicked out of them after all customers need a box to kick 50 yards also at times when you get the dimmest one in the store . .

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Mike M

03-05-2006 05:17:14

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to Leland, 03-04-2006 20:08:31  
Gee, somehow I bet you don't get very good service with that attitude. They probably don't want to wait on you and when you stomp on out they all say good ridance.

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03-05-2006 06:25:14

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to Mike M, 03-05-2006 05:17:14  
I usualy get what I need but today it is hard to find somebody behind the counter that has a clue or cares about customer service . I don't care if they like me or not it is there job to serve my needs , not swap spit take long hot showers together or cuddle in front of a cozy fire . Some parts persons think they are god and the world revolves around them , but today you can get parts for just about anything anywhere so I don't have to deal with a but hole more than once . Not all parts people are bad but I always seem to find the worst ones when I am really in need of a vitial part .

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Mike (WA)

03-06-2006 08:35:01

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to Leland, 03-05-2006 06:25:14  
I suspect you don't necessarily find the worst one, but rather, you bring out the worst in whoever you find.

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03-06-2006 09:43:40

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to Mike (WA), 03-06-2006 08:35:01  
I could say the same about you , but how many people have you hired and fired lately ? I will give you a clue the world is not getting any smarter , and it's even harder to get these clowns to show up to work that is the problem living in the big city . People want to just stand there like a post anymore ,come up and see I will let you deal with them for a week and see how many you keep .

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03-04-2006 19:32:06

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
All good points so far.

I like:

Someone who takes as much time is necessary to make sure I get the right part, whether it be a 30 cent bolt or a 200 dollar part.

Somone who acknowledges I'm there, even if its busy or they're opn the phone. Like others said, all I'm looking for from them is a "Hey dude, I'll be with you in just a second."

I noticed though a lot of folks bashing AutoZone. My experience has benn exactly the opposite. The ones I go to here in Norhtern Illinois are always pretty good. Knowledgable, polite, willing to help.

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03-04-2006 18:20:09

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
Q: How many parts men does it take to grease a combine.

A: Just one if you feed him in real slow like.

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Gene Davis (Ga.)

03-04-2006 18:17:30

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
I worked for 18 months as a parts counterman in a mining company supply room. The most important thing I found was that as a former millright, I could understand what the knucklehead wanted when he told me; " it goes on the doo-hickey that workds the thing-a-ma-jig under the left front bat-wing of the drying compartment". Being a patient mindreader is important and they think you know exactly what it will take to cure their problems before they start on them. Have fun and never let them get under your skin.

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TomH in PA

03-04-2006 18:49:23

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to Gene Davis (Ga.), 03-04-2006 18:17:30  
I was in a JD dealership one time while two guys in front of me were trying to get the part they needed. First, they debated whether the machine they had was a 400 series or a 500 series. After much discussion and looking at the parts book they decided it was a 500 series.

Then they started debating whether the hose they needed was for the front or the back. That discussion went on for quite a while before the parts man finally looked at the manual and said "Gentlemen, there's something you should know. Both the front hose and the back hose on both the 400 and 500 series machines are 38 inches long."

Everyone kind of looked at eachother for a few seconds, then the parts guy went to get them the hose.

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NC Wayne

03-04-2006 17:18:49

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
I just read all the other posts and all I can say is this. If you can find a parts person with even half the qualities listed their gonna, at least, be decent. Now if you can find one with at least 90% of the mentioned qualities you've got a GOOD one. If you find one with all the qualities then that qualifies as a miracle.... None of us will ever know it all, there are just too many machines and too many parts. Personally all I ask of a parts man is that he's courteous and he tries to help any way he can, even if it's recommending that I go to another store. Good luck in the new job.

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03-04-2006 17:01:36

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
What I dislike in a parts person

1. A scowl
2. Condescending or know it all attitude
3. Not admitting a mistake
4. Habitually making the same mistake 5. Not knowing the product line

What I like

1. Competence (but not arrogance)
2. Willingness to solve my problem
3. Friendly
4. Admitting mistakes

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03-04-2006 15:58:08

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
Best parts man I know is a WOMAN! She"s experienced, has great knowledge of farm impliments, as well as her vendors and what kinds of parts they stock. Also able to think "out of the box" when I come in with unusual parts requests - such things as crossing parts lines for similar products from other suppliers, other ways of adapting available parts to my needs, etc. All the farmers have great respect for her, she"s solved many a parts problem for all of us.

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03-04-2006 21:54:26

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to RayP(MI), 03-04-2006 15:58:08  
One of my favorites is a woman too!! She"s been around for ever and a day and she know who I am, what tractors I have and remembers the last time she saw me, even if it was a year ago(rarely that lucky). She looks, cross refernces old #"s for current ones, and really goes the extra mile for me. This is at Tesch Bros. Implement.

Vanderloop and the local Automotive supply both have a great parts counter too. They all know me and can ussually get me the part I need the first time. They all are willing to show me the book (or computer screen) and look in back even if they don"t show it in the system.
Donovan from Wisconsin

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Jimmy King

03-04-2006 15:12:32

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
For a few weeks do some home work, every one has to start some where. Learn what the Tractors and Imps are and what they do. I always remember going into a NH dealer ship to get a part for a 495 Haybine the first question out of the new man"s mouth was what is a 495. do not be afraid to ask some one else working there if yopu do not know don"t guess. Try to be as helpfut as possable. You will not please every one, some people cannot be pleased. after you wait one those people go to the back scream then go back to the counter. I have not ever been a parts man, but was a Tech Rep for NCR years ago not much difference.

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Jubal Lee

03-04-2006 14:36:44

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
All sounds like good advice. I'm with Cosmo on one thing. It is a pet peeve of mine to be kept waiting an inordinate amount of time while the parts person is on the phone. I am standing there with my money in hand waiting to spend it and that person on the other end of the phone is just a potential buyer. My .02 worth!

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03-04-2006 14:02:03

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
If you're busy with another customer, or on the phone, don't ignore the one who just walked up. Acknowledge that he exists and that you'll get to him as soon as you can. That will keep me there. I've walked out of several businesses when a smile and a "just a minute" would have gotten my few dollars. Cosmo

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03-04-2006 13:17:31

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
1. Somebody below made the point of "knowing your customers". A small thing, but well appreciated. I frequent two places, a fairly big NAPA and a smaller independent Parts Plus franchise. Countermen in both places know my name, despite the fact that I only drop in maybe a half dozen times a year. Makes me feel like they want my business.

2. Be willing to work at finding the right part. Some of the "big name" places like VIP and AutoZombie hire Zitface the Pinhead as counterboy, and if it's not listed on the first screen the computer pops up, you get "we don't stock it" and he walks off. Nearly as fast as I walk out... The local NAPA has sent me to Parts Plus (and vice versa) if they didn't stock it or were out, and both have made numerous phone calls looking for an oddball part for me.

3. The point about knowing how to ask questions until the customer is right is a good one too. I'm at least somewhat aware of the depth of my ignorance, and have no problem saying "I don't know for sure what I need, or what it's called, but..." Not everyone is as humble (and good looking) as I am.

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John M

03-04-2006 12:33:44

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
If Im not in a hurry,I ususally order the parts off the internet.If I need a part in a hurry,I can almost always count on my local auto parts store to have what I need.I may pay more for it,but he'll have it there or next day.Hate the AutoZones and Advances of the world.

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03-04-2006 12:15:00

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
Well, being that I am a former New Holland parts person, now working for CNH in parts, I'd say there are a few qualities you want to look for. 1.You have to have someone with a general knowledge of equipment. Ok, so maybe its not the person that just goes back and grabs it off the shelf. That takes years to happen unless it is with filters. 2.A general dedication to customer service. No matter what, you have to get the customer his part, whatever it takes. 3.I don't believe that the customer is always right. Sometimes they don't know what they need but think they do. You have to ask the customer the right questions to ensure you get him the right part the first time. He relies on you for the correct part, and you must ensure you supply it.
4.Recognize the customers. It means a lot to them when you call them by name when they walk in. It makes the feel special. I know it sounds stupid, but think about when you walk in somewhere and they call you by name. Kinda like that show Cheers. They feel part of the group.
5.Keep notes. Keep a good list or tablet that you remember the things you worked on. No doubt there will be a situation where you have to go back to what you did before.
6.Patience. Some customers are idiots. They think that all tractors are the same. Like with cars, they don't know the difference in a lincoln and a pinto.

So, with time, you will learn all the tricks of the trade from the experienced guys. You'll learn the shortcuts to the programs to look up parts. All it takes is time. It all won't come in one day.

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the tractor vet

03-04-2006 12:12:19

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
Well since i was a parts manager first off knowing the product line and understanding the workings and the ability to read customer termenolgy as well this littel thinggy that goes on this here pice . I was a mechanic for several years that just got tired of burning my arms and twisten myself into a pretzel of pullen engines half way out just get to spark plugs and knew every inch of a car and truck so the job came easy as knowen what broke and what parts to stock and could get along wiht 92.5 precent of the customers and somewhere around 60% of the mechanics till they got to know me . And also going that extra mile and a half to get someone what they needed as fast as possible .

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Dave Sherburne NY

03-04-2006 11:48:40

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to BOHICA, 03-04-2006 11:33:27  
I like an experienced parts man awful hard to find, walk in ask for a part and without looking
at a book goes and picks it off the shelf. I don't like the guy who can't find a part if
it isn't in the book, Or tells you there is no such
part even tho you just took it off the machine. Don't be afraid to swing the parts picture around where the customer can point to the part he

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03-04-2006 18:44:13

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 Re: Parts Person- What qualities do you like or di in reply to Dave Sherburne NY, 03-04-2006 11:48:40  
All very good points. My pet peeve is a counter person who answers the phone while serving you, then keeps you standing for 20 minutes, also the opposite, I have phoned in and been but on hold for a long time, listening to some dorky music. They should have a person for telephone only.

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