03-09-2006 04:30:20
Re: Be pateint.....I Found YET ANOTHER machine in reply to rboulware, 03-08-2006 19:14:55
That's a give away price. The White 2-105 is a very stout, well engineered and built tractor. I think it is more tractor than the same size Deere or IH, and I say this as an unabashed Deere fan. It is about 3000 lbs more iron where it counts than an equivalent HP of another make. The hydraulics are one of the strong points, they use a closed centre system a la Deere except that the pump is easier to get at. Also, the hydraulic reservoir is separate from the transmission and final drive reservoirs, this is another very good point, keeps the hydraulic oil cleaner. I saw a dealer inframe that was done on a 2-105 with MFWD and cab because the guy used too much ether to try to start it, bent the rods and scuffed the cylinders but the stout crank held. The total cost of that was $4,500. The Perkins is one of the very best engines of that size ever built, and it has dry sleeves to boot. Only downside is they are cold blooded, hard to start when cold, but just plug it in and you are good to go. The Over-Under Hydraul Shift-the 3-speed partial range power shift that most Whites had is a well built unit and very tough. Another good thing about the White, that impressed me when I saw it, is that it has filters on it all over the place, it is just sprinkled all over with the gosh-darned things. You use lots of filters on something that is built to last, just filter the hell out of all those oils, keep 'em clean. I had a 2-85 (essentially a 2-105 without the turbo) and thus know of what I speak and wish to heck I had kept it. Even with a $4500 overhaul added to the $3,000 price, you would have $7500 in it which is not a bad price as long as the rest of the tractor is semi-decent. Good luck, excuse the long post, just my $0.02.