I posted for you under your similar post over at tool talk. I don't mean to be mean, and on one hand I don't want to scare you, but I want to scare the hxxx out of you. You plan on bringing service in from the meter to the main, and you're asking how. That's not a good thing. I can't think of a municipality that will allow you to do that if you're not a licensed electrician, and I'd venture to guess that many won't even allow you to pull that permit, and for good reason, SAFETY. Your main might be rated at 100 AMP, might be 200 AMP. It takes far less than that to kill someone. But if you're ahead of the main on the meter side, you're at the mercy of the ckt breaker on the transformer up on that pole. Get it wrong, and you're going to pop faster than a 1/2 amp fuse. I'm a telephone man by trade and have worked many a new construction. I've seen the aftermath first hand a conciencious seasoned sparky that was split from his hand to below his waist. His boots were smoking and the stench was so bad that they cleared the trades on 3 floors of a new skeleton skyscraper until the next day. He lived, he never worked again. It happens. A close friend of mine, another sparky made a similar slip doing residential, working the service side of the main, and a neighbor girl found him lying on the ground, boots smoldering. I went to his funeral. It happens. Call me what you want, get mad at me if you wish, but Sir, it appears that you are in over your head, and if you aren't concerned with your safety, you oughta be for the family that moves in there. Good luck, Mark