phillip d
04-05-2006 17:07:00
Re: Dairy Feeder - 4H Project - need guidance in reply to mtrim, 04-05-2006 06:19:25
Hi mtrim,what age calf is your son able to show?Try ro find a full age calf if you can,ex.mar. 1st june 1st sep 1st ar dec 1st.It will likely be almost impossible to find one born on the first,but try to find the sharpest one you can born as close to the 1st and NOT BEFORE THE FIRST ie feb 28.The reason for this is that those are the ages that the cut off dates are for each class,the oldest calf can a few days less that three months older than the youngest,it is very hard to get attention in the ring with an off age calf besause they grow so fast.Look for a calf that is long and tall and sharp at the shoulder,wide rump and a strong loin,with a nice slight slope from hip bone downword to the rump,high pins are very undesiareable,so avoud those ones.Pedrigree is abousolutely unimportant untill you go to sell her.Look for a deep chested calf with a long neck,wide muzzle and walks smooth.It may sound like a tall order but i hope that these pointers may help as that is what the judge is looking for.Feed her all the starter she can eat untill she is four months old,than move her to a 20%ration with rumensin(gives her stretch and shine)feeding her about 6-7pounds per day.Once she is 2 months old,feed her all the nicest dry hay you have she can possibly eat,this will give her septh of rib.Also have your son train her to lead often,a wild heiffer in the ring is almost always overlooked.The day before show day,if your son is not required to clip her homself,have someone who is experienced at show fitting,it will make ALL the difference in the world.She will need to be washed about 3 hours before show time to give her time to dry and get her "top done" before the show.On show day,as soon as she is washed,give her about a pound of beat pulp every 2 hours mixed with abit of ration for taste and hay.Pour the pulp pellets into a bucket and soak level with water and let sit for 2-3 hours.Sounds like alot of work,but thats half the fun.Good luck and enjoy.phill