I have spent quite a bit of time reviewing the various entries on YT on machine sheds (pole and steel) and have a lot of good information. Thanks folks.Still, I have questions am looking for any further advice anyone wants to offer. Also, some previous advice/information, of course, may not apply to this part of the country and some perhaps dated. I am in Nebraska and thinking of a 40 feet by 70 to 75 feet machine shed/shop of my tractors (mostly Farmalls). Looked some at pole buildings (Morton, Wicks, Lester, Cleary, Menards, etc.) and some all steel (Sentinal, Olympia, Heritage, etc.) Looks like a ton of variables to consider between the two types and within the two types-- so looking for any help. As always, finances are not infinite. Some of the quick and dirty quotes for barebones steel not all that different from pole barn, but I have not priced building of the steel buildings. Any big differences in construction price? Any good or bad experienes with these companies? I am kind of leaning towards Wicks since looks like reasonable price and the local rep has a good reputation. Morton is pretty pricy and still working on quote from Cleary, which is also local. Steel companies look like they send the materials and then one is on his own to get it up. Thinking about 24 x 40 shop area with 5-6" cement floor. Any recommendations as to ground covering for rest of area: crush rock, crushed concrete, gravel, dirt, vapor barrier, etc.? What about insulation in the shop area. Any recommendations and do I need to worry about condensation? The local code is 90 mph wind, 25 pounds snow, and C exposure. Any reasons to go heavier? Steel guage for Wicks is 29. Any reason to go for heavier? Looks like poles (bay size) are 10' apart? Is this adequate? Poured footings are 8" x 18" I cannot tell from the drawings of the laminated columns go into the ground or are just connected to the footings? There is a 50 warranty on decay and insect damage to the structural columns. Any experience with pole rotting in a few years? And anything I should look to do to prevent rotting? Interior height is 14'4" I am having 2 12x14 steel doors (one at each end). The one in the shop area will be insulated. No sliding doors. Plan on two solid walk in doors and two or three windows. Might consider some type of wall light in the storage area, but probably not any skylight. Wiring, lighting, and heating are not included in the costs, and that brings in a whole host of additional variables (and costs). Looks there is a lot of good informaiton on the site for those, and I may be back with questions in these areas. Well, any thoughts welcome...and any questions I need to be asking and have not???? I don't put $$$$$$ into a machine shed/shop everyday so trying to it as close to right the first time as I can, and I appreciate help from those who have much more experience than I do. thanks in advance.