Not sure I understand your first question? With a lot of effort you _may_ be able to push or pull a cylinder by hand, but if they are tight enough double-acting it might be a job. Old worn single acting is, on the other hand, pretty easy. If they sat for a bit without oil, could be kinda set in their way & not easy to move. Is that what you mean? I have no idea why you would bust a hose, or what it is you are trying to accomplish in the last sentence. Your tractor should have a relief valve that protects from applying too much pressure to the hoses, cylinders, etc and nothing should bust? Most ag supply stores sell a variaty of pre-made hyd hose. Often there are 2 qualities, 2500 lb & something stronger. If your tractor puts out less than 2500#, then that's fine. Most loaders are 1/2 hose, but can be 3/8, depends on the size & all. Comes in different lengths, 1 foot to 10 feet every foot most often. You can also go to a good Napa or other store with machine shop & they will make a hose to your specs, exact length, 45 or 90 degree ends, etc. A real common ag hyd cylinder is 8 inch stroke. Others are available. Yup, measure & get one. :) --->Paul