Okay, my current tractor is only 10 years old so I'm not sure if it still counts as a "yesterdays" tractor but I know there are several folks on this board that for sure have the knowledge to help me on this subject.My steering cylinder on my 1996 Kubota L4200 is leaking on one side. A new cylinder costs about $400 but I would think this could be repaired. Is there any way to open it up without taking it off the tractor? Here is a picture of the overall room there is to work on it: 
And here is a close up of where the leak is. You can actually see the seal folded up a bit on the top side. Each time I turn the wheel to the left a little jet of hydraulic oil spurts out. 
I could get a pipe wrench on it to try to unscrew it but it just slid around and didn't do anything except peel some paint off. Here is the parts diagram of the cylinder: 
Do I need to just suck it up and pull the radiator and whatever else it takes to get the cylinder out? Once I got it out I could take it to a hydraulic cylinder shop and they could fix it or I guess I could take it to the tractor dealer. The parts to reseal it would be about $25 for that side. I guess if I had it pulled out I might go ahead and get the seals replaced on both sides. Any input would be apreciated. Thanks, Nathan