Since before I was around, Lenny has been farming this area, he's been turning our soil for over 40 years, I'll bet he's got close to 60 years in now since he was youngster, I've always enjoyed seeing this every spring. I've seen this field with corn, wheat, oats, alfalfa, it's first field I ever baled,think I was 11 with a Ford 4000 S-0-S and 532 baler, took my first whitetail here, saw it burn 21 years ago, many turtles have laid there eggs here, ( I sometimes take a clutch and raise them ), all kinds of history for me here. Early Saturday morning his son came out with the discs and went over the corn stubble, and Lenny hit it with the 5 bottom which that former Saratoga raceway (late model 7420 JD used for dragging) pulled like nothing, he recently sold some acreage, got rid of his heifers, decided to buy a late model to enjoy doing what he's been doing for years. I thought it was time for some shots for the record, perfect morning for field work, cool crisp still spring air, the diesel fumes lingered for awhile. Lets see if I can do this the first time out, I'll post a few more.