Don't get me wrong here, I love the Ford "N" series tractors, and have a couple of my own. However, unless you are willing to learn to work on it yourself (or have a "good 'ole boy" nearby who knows about them, and is willing to work cheap or for "refreshments"), repairs can get awefully expensive! The trouble is, the guys at MOST of the dealer shops aren't familiar with them anymore, and the will "learn" at your expense! Are you aware of the 9N's limitations... lack of live PTO, lack of live hydraulics, and lack of (OEM) three-point hitch position control? Lots of folks buy these "old gems" based upon their mystique, and don't realize how different they are form modern "yuppie tractors" until it is too late. If you are still with me here, and still want to joint the ranks of "N" owners, here's a link to the 3-pont troubleshooting procedure from "N" guru ZANE. Also, get an owner's manual, and at least an I&T FO-4 shop manual. Good luck! I hope you get it , and it works out for you!