All: Forgive a long post. I've got two advanced degrees in difficult subjects and I'm not half as smart as many of you folks. I'm at my wits end--quickly reached regarding mechanical matters--and need help. My 8n--6volt, front distributor--was running last week. It absolutely quit and will not start. It comes close to starting, but will not get going. Occasionally, back fires.I find that I seem to get such high compression--that's not the right word, I know--that gas vapor will blow out the air intake where it attaches to the carb, when I'm trying to start the engine. (I haven't a clue how to describe/identify why it is that gas vapor should blow out the air/intake and carb gaskets (pre-re-tightened) when I try to start the engine. Seemed at one point to come out around the governor housing, too.) Some more facts, narrated out of order. 1. I get good spark to cylinders 1 and 2. Weaker spark to 3 and 4. I'll replace two wires on Monday, though it seems improbable that two wires in a new set would be bad. (I put in a new distributor/coil/wires/spark plugs last season: gapped spark plugs and have verified accuracy of setting. (Spark plugs do get very black quickly: too rich a mixture?) 2. The carb floods very quickly. 3. When the engine was running last week, the air intake would "make a gulping sound." Now I seem to get very poor air draw. I took off the oil bath: got slightly better draw, but still not what it was nor is it satisfactory. 4. I cleaned EVERY filter in the fuel line, including the wire mesh at the fuel line elbow (into the carb.). Put in clean fuel. 5. Again, when trying to start tractor, I get TOO MUCH FUEL as it runs out the needle and air intake connection (pre-re-tightened). Have tried to start tractor on dry carb, gradually allowing fuel to spill into carb, to find some happy moment between starving/drowning. Cannot find that point. 6. Have taken off the distributor and coil, to let them air dry: no discernible condensation. The rotor will only fit on the shaft in one way, so I think timing is not an issue. (Dumb inference?) 7.1. Took the entire carb off, blew it out, hoping that since I do not have a tune-up kit--not one available nearby--running air through the thing would take out that single piece of dirt/gunk which keeps motor from starting. Replaced carb, no difference at all: not even with two Hail Mary's and three Our Father's. Also, crossed self: no effect. 7.2. Seems that the float in the carb. is solid, and does not, in fact, fill up with gas: also, is one-quarter inch from surface, all the way to the hinge. (I was thinking the float allows too much gas into the carb. That hunch may still be right?) 8. Came into house to find revolver for tractor, but have cooled off. So: engine is very, very close to turning over. I get the occasional backfire. But the engine will NOT turn over. Carb floods, and I pull the choke wide open. Still, just lots of whirring and near starting. Perhaps the problem is electrical after all? Ideas???? jim.