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OT: My Dog :(

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Brad Wright of

05-18-2006 13:32:36

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Well my dog aint doin to well. She is a 2 year old boxer. She has a hole in her stomach and her lungs are being compressed together by something in her body. I have never heard of it but if we dont get a 900 dollar surgery she will die. I dont know how we are gonna just come up with 900 dollars. You probably dont want to hear this but its been botherin me.

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05-19-2006 07:39:48

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
Had a problem about 7 years ago with our yellow lab. Wound up spending over $700 on fixing some internal problems. The dog is now 13 years old and never has had any further problems. Some of the best money I've spent. We have 5 dogs, Shepherd, Lab and 3 Dacschunds and they are as much a part of our family as the wife and kids!

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05-18-2006 21:29:08

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
Brad, Try the Vet School at Columbia.

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05-18-2006 19:03:50

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
Hi Brad,

Man on man, tuff decisions in life.

I've been on both sides of the fence. I've paid good money to save my best friend just to have to put him down at a latter time as there was more wrong with him that what medicine could cure. This happens more times than not.

I've also read for many hours on the net trying different things on my own with great results.

Sorry but if she was mine and truely in severe pain, I'd spend a few quality days with her then put her down myself. If she just has a hole and lung problems with NO pain or very little pain then I'd let her continue on until things change.

We live with all kinds of aliments, including some terrible pain but we don't put ours selfs down until we know it's time. I figure my best friend also should be able to do the same.

We had a cat one time that came home with huge infection under his chin, down to his lower belly and most of one side. All the surface skin and hair was gone, just open red meat. He layed on a small rug for a couple weeks without moving and drinking a small amount of water and he recovered without any more problems, he grew new skin and hair, other than he ran away 6mths latter.

We figured he was coyote dinner until I found him on the road 2yrs latter where he'd been hit by a car. He again healed up from that just to leave again 6mths latter. That's the last time we seen him. LOL


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Mark - IN.

05-18-2006 18:02:21

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
Dog lover through and through, I am. I sympathize with you and yours, and your boxer. No matter what kind of pet, we do what we can, what we can afford, and what"s best for the pet.


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Matt from CT

05-18-2006 17:34:41

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
It's tough no doubt, and talking even if it's just online helps sometimes.

I have a pretty reasonably priced vet (though her prices seem to go up faster than inflation...).

Still, I've had a couple times I've spent approaching that for what sounds like it was simpler surgery (one of my dogs form stones...he just couldn't pee...finally we had to bypass Mr. Winky). Fortunately, I was earning a good income, although I hadn't built up savings at the time from trying to pay off old debts and I was scrambling to scrape up the funds...$400 from that account, $200 on this credit card type of thing.

Check with other vets, especially if you can find a "country" vet -- some of the prices I hear from "city" vets people on a Dalmatian board I visit go to are crazy. Although $900 for internal surgery, figuring a week or so recovery @ vets, doesn't sound that out of line.

I also considered the long term prospects. With Jake, he was (and is) a very active, healthy dog. The surgeries where simple and fixed the issue -- it wasn't like "this will stabilize but then all this stuff will still be wrong..."

I've also had Lexie, who went lame. Just lost control of her hindquarters. She wasn't super old (8 or 10...), but not a spring chicken and she hadn't been "thriving" for a while -- just acted much older than her age. She was a sweetheart. I was ready to put her down, but the vet wanted to give her several days at her office but she didn't improve with drug treatments. I wasn't going to spend the money to take her to Tuft's vet school for a more sophisticated work-up, etc and we put her to sleep -- I just couldn't see her having that high of a quality of life, or living that much longer anyway, compared to what it would cost.

Saw someone talking about bringing their 10 year old dog to a veterinary oncologist the other day...I just couldn't imagine treating any dog never mind a senior for cancer -- either the drugs or the surgery or whatever has got to be hard on them, expensive, and they're not going to live that much longer anyway.

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Luke S

05-18-2006 16:55:05

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
Real sorry to hear that Brad. I know it is just more than a dof to you, my wife and I are the same. But we don't have kids, we just have seven dogs that are like our kids. If you are having a hard time coming up with the $900 check to see if your vet has a payment plan, or accepts credit cards, many do. I know how it is to have to cough up a lot of cash on vet bills, one year between the dogs and horses we spent over $5,000. But my wife is a riding instructor so the horse vet bills are a tax write off anyhow. Anyway, good luck, and remember, if money is tight check in to the payment plan or credit card deal. Let me know what part of missouri you are from, I know several vets and I know some that have set some of our customers up on payments here in east central missouri.

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05-18-2006 16:53:57

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
I lost my first dog a few years ago to kidney failure after his 2nd surgery to remove a cancerous growth on his thigh. I know 900 dollars is a lot of money and that it is going to be hard to come up with that, but at the same time, if I had the option of 900 dollars to have a HEALTHY dog for a couple more years again, I would spend the 900 dollars. I am probably more attatched to my animals than most on here, and that probably has to do with me being pretty young at 16 and having my animals there all my life when I needed them. Basically what I am saying is don't give up on her, but if the surgery is not a near for sure fix of her problems, then at the same time don't put her through any more pain. We put down another of our dogs while I was home for spring break after kidney failure because of old age. I hated to do it, but it got to the point on the day that we put her down that it hurt me to look at her. In a practical view, try to find a second opinion. Even if it means driving a little ways, it could very easily save you a lot of money. Also, don't be afraid to ask around for some small donations from your church or friends, I would help a friend in need of money for a family pet, especially one that is only 2 years old. You never will get all the money you spend on a pet back in cash, but you do get a whole lot of love, but do remember if there is nothing that can be done to get the dog out of pain, do what is best and put it to sleep. It is much nicer to have your dog fall asleep in your lap than to go be in pain. Good luck and my prayers are with you, your family, and your dog.


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05-18-2006 16:51:59

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
My opion may not be of favor either but I have 3 children so food and heat come way before any animal would, I have had pets, (dogs mostly) all of my life but my children understand that there are prioritys with me. But on another note, I have neighbors who have no children and more money then they can spend on anything else who have sunk numerous of thousands of dollars into a small dog that is almost 15 years old, it is there money and I am glad for them and have never gave my opion there for they also treat my children as there own, expessially at birthday time, but one day we struck up a discusion about there dog and they told me of pet insurance they have. I am sure this would be of no benifit to you now but if animals are this important to you it might be something to look into in the future. I am sorry about the dog but remember sleeping in peace is beter then awake in pain. Your pain will eventually go away, his won"t.

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05-18-2006 15:51:51

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
I hear ya, we've already spent about that when our tri-collie was sick, couldn't figure it out. He ended up dieing and the vets couldn't figure it out. We'd do it again in a heart beat because they are more than just a dog to us, they are family. We've done it in the past when they stayed in the barn, but now they live in the house and that's just a different story.
Donovan from Wisconsin

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Midwest redneck

05-18-2006 15:13:06

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
I would put her down, its tough but $900 is lot of cash to spend on a dog that has health problems. I put my cat to death last year, 9 year old tabby cat, very lovable, snuggly, she slept with me every night...but kidney problems were there and I wasnt going to prolong it.

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37 chief

05-18-2006 16:37:58

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Midwest redneck, 05-18-2006 15:13:06  
We sure get attached to our dogs and cats. I also had to put several cats down due to kidney problems. It is hard to do, but the they are only suffering, and will never get better. Stan

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05-18-2006 14:20:10

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
My vet wants 1100$ Can. to remove two small
growths. I think we need to hear from some
country people who have vets with reasonable
rates. This week it will be 230$ Can. for shots
and heartworm meds.

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If twaz me

05-18-2006 13:50:30

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
I;d be looking at another opinon,

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05-18-2006 13:50:22

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
Sorry to hear it, but I wouldn't spend 900 to save a dog, horse or cow ( unless I had spent a huge amount on that animal and the animal was important for a breeding operation or something ).

That money is important to my family and our future and that dog is just a dog ( or a horse or a cow ).

A lot of times the best thing is to have them put down I am sorry to say.

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Bill in TN

05-18-2006 13:46:35

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Brad Wright of MO, 05-18-2006 13:32:36  
Sorry to hear about your dog.....

How much would another boxer cost?

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05-18-2006 15:41:18

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Bill in TN, 05-18-2006 13:46:35  
Neighbor bought a pregnant cow for $600. Had to call vet to pull calf $150. Cow died and he had to pay $100 to bury the cow.

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05-18-2006 18:32:50

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Aowner, 05-18-2006 15:41:18  
Ok I'll bite, Why couldn't he eat the cow?


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05-18-2006 19:04:26

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to T_Bone, 05-18-2006 18:32:50  
Thats what I was thinking. Might as well keep the freezer full.

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05-18-2006 14:19:34

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to Bill in TN, 05-18-2006 13:46:35  
Mutts are almost free at the pound and usually are much healthier then "pure" breeds.

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05-18-2006 15:39:04

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 Re: OT: My Dog :( in reply to dhermesc, 05-18-2006 14:19:34  
My wife worked for a vet for a couple of years. We received free vet services, wormer at cost and free samples. After she quit my kids cat came home with lacerated and twisted knee. Vet put in brace which came in 3 days. Took cat back to vet and they cut leg off a the hip. Received a $400 dollar bill in hte mail. Two weeks later neighbors dog killed the cat.

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