As I suspect there is a forum for just about everything today, try the link below, you have to register as a user, but there seems to be a lot of information on the subject there. Kind of going astray here but... I've always been a Schrade fan, I don't like the imported junk, too bad after 100 years Schrade went under in 2004, although I thought I read, it was bought out and the same fine craftspeople are still there, but I now see the trusted name on items made in China, their new production. I don't think I'll ever understand why, not how this must happen. Take a quality manufacturer like Schrade and after surviving 100 years, just let it go, let the competition ruin the company and the only thing available is junk. A pocket knife is a prized possession I am never without, although you only need one good one if you take care of it, will last you a lifetime, I have a few, Schrade 30T and Buck 505, small lockbacks, they are good quality and the blade does not wobble in the bolsters. They make a great gift to someone, plus all the collectors, special production runs, commemoratives, and those that actually do use theirs harshly will need replacing someday, you'd think the market would be there ans support a great product. I guess knowing my favorite Knife/tool maker going under in my home state, 75 miles away really hit home, that and knowing the junk made out of the country will replace a 100 year heritage, can't win em all, but when you take away a favorite Mfr. in this manner, it's a wake up call, what will machinist's do when all quality tooling no longer exists, years and years to perfect the standards of quality, just to revert back to junk over economics, it does not make sense to me, but maybe I'm missing something here. Nuther rain day here LOL,