Well Stan, you ask a simple question, get mobbed with two train of thoughts. I hope that you got your answer, although if you tally them up, I'll bet they're even, so you didn't. Making it worse, if you asked a spring manufacturer, I'd bet you'd get the same two different answers. Guess you'll have to decide on your own what's best. I don't like to leave heavy loads in smaller trucks for extended periods of time. Its not only the springs you have to worry about, but fatiging the mounts as well. Bigger trucks, no problem. You decide Stan, but I'll bet by the time you've read my post, you'll have decided. Good luck either way, Grandpa. Hey, I just figured it out. Let the new grandyoungin figure it out. Make your mind up ahead of time. Hold both index fingers out. If reaches for the left, its... If reaches for the right, its... I hope that you don't get wrecked afterwards though. It'd be hard to explain to the sheriff that "the left meant..., and the right meant..., and ... got pulled, so my springs broke and I got wrecked". Mark