05-22-2006 08:22:54
Re: OT/diesel fuel in reply to mitchp, 05-22-2006 07:30:34
It is the new low sulpher fuels, which will be standard. Don't listen to old wive's tales; sulpher DID NOT lubricate anything and sulpher is bad for all engines, including the old ones. The problem was that in the refining process of removing the sulpher, the lubricity of the fuel was lowered thus causing the problem of not enough lub for the older pumps. This problem is easily fixed. Buy some diesel fuel additive and use it. One brand is APS (American Power Service) another is Shell DFA. When you use one quart of these to 50 gallon of diesel, you rasise the lubricity, raise the cetane, prevent gelling, lub the pump, clean/lub the injectors, stabilize the fuel for storage, remove moisture, etc, etc. I have been doing this for years and years; now I am 65, and have not in the last 20 years had to remove an injector, rebuild a pump, or any other fuel related repairs (other than a lift pump failure). If bought by the quart, it costs about $5 or a little less, and is cheaper by the gallon. This adds about 10 cents per gallon, which in my mind is well worth it. Tom