I'm surprised they're using a JD system on a red tractor. the JD system has not played well w/ other brands historically. Precision ag is a neat deal...there's a guy in NE iowa who has his whole farm networked. he was an engineer by trade that came back to farm. now he has it set up so he can be "running" a ripper, and be on the internet ordering parts, and shifting grain from the dryer bin to a storage bin. he's all auto guidance, and controlled traffic, there's one set of tracks for each 12rows? i think. everything is strip till, and he's now working things so he'll plant like 32 rows of corn, skip 32, plant 32 across a field, then come back later to do the beans. he say's the yield advantage is there, but i'm not so sure on that one. with all of this, i don't think we'll get farming to be a computer driven project. there are too many variables that computers can't follow. how do you program your auto guidance to plant the south hill of the back 40 if that sidehill seep is dry enough, and if its not, plant up to it then skip over and come back on Thursday to finish? they won't replace the farmer, just make him more efficient. my thoughts