Know the area well,but don't get by there much. I had a chance to go through that area last year, while driving a tractor trailer load of horses to the big show in Manchester Vt. That is a real nice area, especially with frontage on the Hoosic, Hoosac, don't forget the Little Hoosic LOL. I used to work in NYC for many years, I've met a lot of people who spend time and or have property in the area, small world. Lot of them like the lifestyle, but it's an evil as you only have weekends, vacations, and Holiday's, there's always that 3 hour barrier to your high paying job in Manhattan. I'm over here in Brunswick, on Hoosick Rd and or NYS Rt. 7, we've still got our 98 acres here, (been here 40 years this year), + another 50 or so in Saratoga, enough to keep one busy. I've been on Cornell's Coop ext. website, but never checked out any of the weeds, quite a bit of information there, do appreciate the feeback on that, always wondered what it was, it's about the only substantial weed in there, the grasses are giving it some serious competition. I've always been amazed at how some of these grasses do so well here, seems like you could keep a hayfield full of orchard grass for quite a long time with minimal effort, not sure what the PH is around here, slightly acidic, my clover patches do well with lime and fertilizer it seems. If the rain does not give a break, I don't think anyone will be baling much anytime soon, this may end up getting cut with the brushog, ends up leaving a lot of thatch, be nice to see it baled though.