The bumper hitch should work fine if you do your part correctly. Be certain that you find an adequate way to fasten the safety chains which come with the trailer. You may be able to bluff your way through a traffic stop without a lighting harness installed by using hand signals, but if you don't have safety chains attached well, everyone who sees the rig will justifiably throw the book at you. Make sure that your hitch ball is the right size for the trailer, then fasten it TIGHTLY to your bumper. No half-measures will do here. Also make certain that the coupler is adjusted to grip the ball, not allow it to slip off at the first bump. A spark plug wrench adjusts the coupler. A riding lawn mower will sit trimly in an enclosed trailer until the first time you stop. At that point it tries to come through the front of the trailer and into the back of our vehicle. Hitch weight changes dramatically, of course. FASTEN THE MOWER SO THAT IT CANNOT MOVE. After all, do you really want the front of the mower all messed up from hitting the trailer at your first red light? Good luck with the haul, Rod