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OT-Knee surgery

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Dave from MN

06-07-2006 19:10:01

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Messed my knee up a while back and with the constant clicking and popping when i walk and do anything , i went to mr doctor. He says I probably damaged my cartilage and is schedualing me for an MRI. Said I may have to have some scopeto opto something er nother, to trim the cartilage, then I may have more problems with it in the future. Anyone been there done that on there knee's I am worried, I got farming to do and lots of farming fer others that are depending on me this fall and such. I'm only 35, why is everything hitting me this year, cholesteral, tendonitis, major headaches. I felt healthier when I was running half a plant on 3-4 hours of sleep anight and 16 hour days. Too young for old age. Yes I hear that violin

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Ken L

06-08-2006 17:06:50

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
About five tears ago, my right knee stared hurting bad. Lived with it for a year. Then my left knee did the same. They talked me into getting my right one scoped. Good for about eight months. Then they scoped the left one. Good for about a year. Then I tore my right rotator cuff. They scoped that. That's no good either. My opinion is get the surgery (replacement) and have it over with. I know people who have had it done and are up and at it in two to six months. Two months ago they put some kind of shot in my right knee which would fix it and it did until about a week ago. I keep putting it off cuz (I don't have time). I'm a heavy equip mechanic and pretty soon I won't be able to walk. Maybe I'll have time then. Good luck.

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John M

06-08-2006 14:03:13

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
Had it done in 99! Now the other knee is needing it.BTW I was younger than you when I had my first knee fixed.

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TomR Ont

06-08-2006 14:00:55

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
Nobody mentioned weight.
I know two people that had the knee scope, and both over weight.
The one guy was about 100 lbs over, walked with canes, got the operation in both knees, lost about 75lbs looks good and walks normal now.
The other one my DIL is about 30 lbs over, had the operation about 5 years ago, didn't look after the weight issue now she needs to have it done again.
For you young people watch your weight, we normaly gain 1 lb a year as we get older, that's got to be tough on well used joints.

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Arizona Bob

06-08-2006 10:28:32

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
Had it done in 1967. Do your physical therapy and you shouldn"t have any problems.

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06-08-2006 10:42:14

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Arizona Bob, 06-08-2006 10:28:32  
What Bob said. Two timer speaking from experience.

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06-08-2006 07:02:20

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
I had mine done 5 years ago,after it hurting for about 10 years..well worth it in my opinion..the doc told me he couldn't reverse the damage that was already done,but he could clean it up and ease the pain..and he did,it rarely hurts at all now,and when it does,it's not nearly as bad as it used to be.. I had mine done on a monday,took the rest of the week off,and was back to work the following monday,moving a little slower,but I was back.. Get it fixed,cause the longer you put it off,the more damage your doing in there..


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06-08-2006 06:38:10

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
I am 35 and tore my ACL when I was 18, My Miniscus (the cartilage) was pretty much gone. I had it fixed two years ago and it was the best thing I could have done. I put it off for 14 years because I thought I could not find the time. I build stairs for a living and could not justify the time off to heal. The doc fixed the tendon and shaved the cartilage. I was chipping golf balls with my brace the next day. (not recomended) I was back to work within a couple of weeks.

One funny thing, I had a spinal to numb my lower half. When I woke up after surgery the feeling started to come back everywhere except my unit. The nurse came in asked how I was doing and my wife said "He can"t feel his penis" the nurse said every guy says that because it is the last place to regain feeling.

That was to most scary part of the whole operation.


Good luck!

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06-07-2006 21:34:50

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
Man o man, does every body here have a bad knee? I'm the guy that did not fix mine 20 years ago..bad heart and did not think it was worth it. Now I am still around and can hardly walk around the garden.
Fix it, do what ever you can for it.

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06-07-2006 20:56:18

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
Ha da gimpy knee scoped 18 years after a high school sports accident. I wish I had it done sooner. Some floaters would jam the joint every now and again without warning (ouch). They were removed along with a torn loose piece of cartilage. The knee isn't perfect but it's only a pain 2-3 times a year instead of every day. Quit burning the candle at both end and get 8 hrs of sleep every night no matter what. You will get more done and feel better. Chronic sleep deprivation is a significant factor in many common " North American" health problems.

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06-07-2006 20:52:01

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
Well, I guess that my knee scope and clean, must be the bad one of the lot, I broke my left leg, in the knee joint on 3/4/2005, leg from the joint down made a 90% turn to the left, during a fall on the ice. The knee would lock up and pop all of the time, finally in January of this yesr, they went in and worked on it, did their cleanup, and removed some arthritus, said knee was fine. NOT, now I can not walk down stairs, hills, and it locks up on a daily basis, I basically have a stiff knee, have to swing the leg to the left in a semi circle to even walk. Tractor Shows, and other walking events are now out of my hobbies. I am 49, and this really puts a damper on my fun, not to mention work.

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06-07-2006 20:35:26

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
I had what is called a High Tibial Osteotomy on my right knee and it is fantastic now. I had to have it done because of sports. I had it 2 years ago when I was 25 and I can play hockey again.

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06-07-2006 20:18:01

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
i've had both of my knees operated on , left in 1979 it was a major mess i had a cast from my toes to groin for 5-6 weeks 1999 i had right one scoped cleaned out the floaters and scraped calcium off knee cap . i think right is getting to point of needing clean up job again i had good results with both knees will do it again when need to .

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06-07-2006 20:15:59

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
I've had both knees scoped - left 3 times, right twice. The surgery is no big deal. My knees are shot, but the scope helped untill there was nothing left to remove and Art moved in. Right now, I can HEAR my knee move everytime I take a step.

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06-07-2006 20:09:04

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
MRI, huh? Better be sure that your insurance will cover it. You can be pretty sure that he'll have to scope your knee to fix the problem.

I blew out my meniscus six years ago and had arthroscopy. The doc said that once you hit 40, they can't repair a torn meniscus, they can only clean up the tear. So I'd say you are better off having surgery now than putting it off until later.

I recommend that you schedule your arthroscopy sometime when you won't need to get around much for the next several weeks. (That's WHEN you have arthroscopy, not IF.) Everyone is different, but it may take several weeks to get back to where you were before the surgery.

As for the arthroscopy, it's not that big of a deal. They will put you under, then they'll cut three small incisions in your knee. They'll pump your knee full of water and run a scope inside it and look around. Whatever the doc sees, he'll go ahead and fix. After the surgery, you'll be on crutches for a few days. I had to have physical therapy for several weeks to get the strength back in my knee.

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06-07-2006 19:47:06

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
I have something like that done a few years ago and now it hurts just as bad and pops and grinds just as bad. I have just learn to live with it. Had my right shoulder done at the same time and its also just as bad as it was before I had it done.

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06-07-2006 19:46:53

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
Well Dave,arthriscopic surgury is pretty simple as your Dr. inevitably will tell you. They will trim any freyed edges of torn tissue. You may have what I did which was a torn "miniscous" which is a cartilage "cup" on top of your lower leg bone ,that the ball of your upper leg bone seats on and helps keep it centered.Then after they repair all that,they "vacuum" out all the old bone "floaties" and garbage out so you have a nice clean joint. I'm sure I'm leaving out a lot, and you will eventually find that out. Mine is old and cartilage is gone and bones are just grating on each other."ouch" Needs total replacement probably towards winter this year.Good luck with yours.You are young enough that this would be a good move.Don't let it repair itself because in doing so it will build up scar tissue and cause problems later.

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Tim in OR

06-07-2006 19:40:57

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
About 20 years ago, I also had the same kind of surgery as Lee. I have no problems with it other than learning not to squat down for more than just a second or two. It only ocasionally talks to me, so I have now learned what not to do to irritate it. I would do it again if recomended. When its broke, we have to do something to help make it better. Even if it is only a patch.
PS: don't forget to ask the doctor to see the video after the surgery (its the inside of your knee while being worked on).
Good luck, Tim

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06-07-2006 19:34:30

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
About 15 years ago my sidekick had his knee scoped on a Thursday morning and climed a telephone pole Monday about noon. Was not the smartest thing to do but he did it with no ill effects.

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06-07-2006 19:31:39

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
Take it from someone that took a bullet through the knee a long time ago...they never get better with age. Do everything you can to preserve them. Good Luck.

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Mike in MI

06-07-2006 19:30:37

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  

Wife had had the same surgery as Lee had. Not that bad of a surgery. Only a small incition.
Wife still was having problems after the surgery. She keep feeling something catching at times. Found a small piece of a bone in behind the knee cap. So far so good, once in a while it will give her pain. She had this done over 30 years ago. From a softball injury.
You know old age is going to creep up on you like it or not. LOL Good luck on the knee the MRI will tell how bad it is. Mike

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lee thomas

06-07-2006 19:15:12

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to Dave from MN, 06-07-2006 19:10:01  
I had the orthoscopic surgery on my knee when i was about 40 it worked ok for years i have just had a total replacement at 64

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06-07-2006 22:35:04

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 Re: OT-Knee surgery in reply to lee thomas, 06-07-2006 19:15:12  
Not much I can add that hasn't already been said.

I am 48 and had my right knee scoped 2 years ago. Squatting? What's that? My knee still screams at me everytime the weather changes and is stiff.....looking at replacement this year. My left one pops like a cutter and canner heading for the killin' chute!

My problems started several years ago. Squatted down while working on a bushhog....ker-pop..but no pain. The problem was, I couldn't straighten my leg...it was locked up and that HURT! Then a couple years ago, I was at work and twisted the same knee.....end of the line. The scoping helped, but wasn't a cure. My experience on the scope job wasn't pain free. But, I got over it. The only good thing out of it was, it ended my 27 year 'career' as a railroad engineer..... I have never missed a day of that damnable place!

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