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Does your wife have more pull than your tractor?

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06-29-2006 18:18:32

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Hey everyone, Just recently got engaged, and Im already noticing that she is taking more interest in my tractors.....but its more interest in what im paying for them, how long i plan to keep it, etc, before she didnt really care as long as I didnt have to borrow money from her (hehe) but now when I buy one, shes saying, well if you have money for that you should have money for this.. I dont want to give up my toys, but shes nice to have around to, Will it always be this way?

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06-30-2006 11:15:44

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Married 32 years and I think the secret is, just do as your told. But she leaves me and the tractors alone, think she kinda likes them but would never admit it. She also knows if I am in the shop, I'm not some place else.

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Luke S

06-30-2006 06:28:11

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Man, I feel for ya. I am fairly young, 25, and I have been married for coming up on six years. I know that is not nearly as long as some guys here, but I feel I have learned one or two things in six years. After seeing both my parents divorced, remaried and my father divorced again two more times and working on his third, my grandparents divorced(before I was born) both remaried and divorced again, and several other family memebers divorced, the biggest mistake I see peopl making is they get engauged, and hae problems. So what do they do? Cool of and try to work these things out? No, they rush in and get married. I don't know much, but I no that if it is not working before the rings are on the rings aren't gonna help much. I got really lucky. My wife has never once told me not to buy a piece of equipment. I have told her several times we aren't buying anymore horses, sense we all ready have to many we don't ride enough. But she has told me to buy equipment. She likes farming, being from the city she never experienced anything like this and she really gets into it. She helps me in the hay fields, she helps me work on the equipment, and when I get pi$$ed when something breaks or hay gets rained on or when money gets tight and I want to quit, she makes me keep going and I am always glad she does. Right now we are considering trading rakes, for a new style caddy type V-rake so it is easier for her to rake. I am very lucky, and if your wondering she is good looking too! Like someone else said, it's not like you are going out to bars and getting wasted and chasing loose women? There are much worse things to be doing than messing with old tractors, and she needs to understand that. I think this is something you need to get worked out right now!!! Do not enter into a mariage when there are unresolved problems, they will only get worse later are the odds, and then it is much harder to work out.

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06-30-2006 06:17:15

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
i fill you, got engaged about a month ago and its been downhill for my tractors eversince, we dated for 3 yrs been to numerous shows and pulls, and she wants me to spend more time with her than with my "old girls", a friend of mine has the same problem, his girlfriend and my old lady went to school together, on day while at a show they got made becuase all the tractors looked the same, they want us to paint on of our pretty praire golds hot pink, bull i think i"ll get them a john deere, oh wait i won"t work on a jd, guess women need to learn.

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06-30-2006 05:43:01

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Run. Get out. She does not sound right for you. Tom

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06-30-2006 04:56:49

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Hummmmm...sounds like your communication line is not working. If she is picky about your money already...better talk about it.
Been with mine a very long time. We disagree over very little because we talk things out in advance.
As long as there is money for the bills and such as well as some going into savings there is never a problem...but neither of us buy toys when there is a cash flow problem.
We both work and we share the checkbook so we always know what's in the bank. But she has her hobbies (stamping...making cards and her aniamls). So...that money is hers. I play with tractors and fix mechanical things...that money is mine.
Gotta talk about things...or the rest falls apart.
My 2 cents.

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06-30-2006 04:54:26

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
well - she is esentially CORRECT! Read your Bible and become the head of your household. Your wife is to be your "help meet", not your boss. Decide if she/you fall into this catagory and go from there. It is YOUR responsibility to take care of your family FIRST, then decide if a play item is being responsible. Remember: Nags don't get there on thier own, most are helped along. Lay down some footwork to work together and things will be fine. There will be bumps, but you will be able to work through them easier.

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Kelly C

06-30-2006 04:03:11

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
"Will it always be this way?"

Ahhhh, No it will be much worse. Thats their Job.
Women dont mary men for who they are they mary for who they think they can turn you into.

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06-30-2006 01:31:30

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Marriage. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't.

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06-29-2006 21:14:43

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Your vision and thoughts are currently warped by that little triangle of fur. You are not out in the Honky Tonks getting loaded and going home with some women. You are are at home working on something worthwhile. Happy Wife = Happy Life. If she isn't happy about your hobby now. She certainly won't be later. Women think of marriage in three words. "Isle, Alter You". Time to tell her to like it or "nice knowing you, bye". I dropped a whinny, needy, teary, clingy complainer. I had mixed feelings for a few years then I happened to see/hear her around her husband. Made me real glad for my wife.

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06-29-2006 20:48:11

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
90% of the difficulty in our marriage comes from financial issues. There just isn't enough to go around for both of us to have what we want all the time... Let's just say I make sure she is well taken care of before I make a major purchase -- and even then we discuss/think about it for at least a couple of days before spending.

My advice is to figure something out NOW before it's too late, we have worked through some major issues, but there are more to come.

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06-29-2006 19:52:29

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
My old lady doesn't have more pull than my tractor but she weighs more!

Run now and don't look back.


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06-29-2006 19:34:32

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Run, run now, run fast, run far..... ..... . do it before it gets too late. Finally, after 5 years we 'divorced' our finances. Only way to keep any kind of peace in the house.

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phil lowe

06-29-2006 19:29:01

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
been married 9 months and oh boy my tractor purchase has bite me on the arse more times then enough!!!! See I didn't discuss buying a tractor with her as I was using it for my chores ,,mowing /wood,snow removal ... well when I questioned the purchase of a new SUV that required my signature ,,,got hit with both barrels ,,,,you didn;t ask me when you bought the tractor ,,etc etc ,,,well big difference between $5000 and $30000...But I will never live that one down ,,trouble is she knows nuttin bout tractors and is very very optically oriented IE that just looks like an old rusty piece a junk ,,your always working on !!! no concept of how much work the ol rig has done ssince i bought it ,,run about 700 hours since last fall and no big issues ,,,,hope I didn't just jinx myself ,,but ,,boy hope things go better for you ,,never thought I'd not wanna come home before in my life ,,but been a ruff spring round these parts...

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06-29-2006 19:03:16

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Been married 21 years now and the wifey finally figured out that nowadays if I want a tractor I get it. House, cottage, van are all paid for so now it's time to play,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,

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06-29-2006 18:58:44

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
All I have to do is look at my Wife's eBay bid/buy list, and there's nothing that she can ever say about tractors!

US$939.99 Auth Louis Vuitton MultiColor Boulogne Black Hand Bag ~~~~

So...Make it clear, that you can spend your money on tractors, and let her use her own on whatever is dear to her heart.
Good Luck

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It will get worse, I know

06-29-2006 18:57:56

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Dude, trust me, it gets worse, I am having problems now, my tractors help to support my wife and I, I buy and sell and make money,which pays for trips, food, etc...but all my wife does is complain....she cant see how it works....
It will get worse, I buy a tractor for $2000...she buys clothes, I sell my tractor for $3000, she buys more clothes...not right....
Sounds like you will be heading for the same path....I would reconsider- I certainly am now - after 3 years!

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Greg C

06-29-2006 18:40:42

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Get yer rules set early when it comes to that sort of stuff. You can compromise, but try not to give in, don't want to get that pattern started.
Tell her before you got into tractors you used your money for drinking and skirt chasing. :)

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06-29-2006 18:50:47

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to Greg C, 06-29-2006 18:40:42  

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Ed in Northern VA

06-29-2006 18:27:01

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
I hope you have a long engagement planned. You need to do some serious thinking before any invitations get sent.

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06-29-2006 18:25:54

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 Re: Does your wife have more pull than your tracto in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Well if shes that way now it will most likely get worse not better. My wife as long as I have the money says nothing about the tractors. Shoot she is the one that set up my web page and she keeps wanting me to take more pictures so she can add more to the web page.

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06-29-2006 18:25:45

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 Well...... in reply to tractorsorwomen, 06-29-2006 18:18:32  
Not excatly.

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