M&W marketed several products for various brands of tractors. They produced a BUNCH of stuff for Farmall H and M models. Parts for that clutch are not easy to find, and may have to be made, if it needs any. It was NOT factory equipment, though it MIGHT have been dealer-installed. Since it's a '39 model, it was probably added a decade or so later. The clutch allowed the tractor to stop forward motion and still leave the pto, hydraulics, and belt pulley engaged. This was a great convenience when using a mower, baler, combine, forage chopper, corn picker, etc. It did NOT allow the operator to change gears with the pto running. It operates by disconnecting the power from the left wheel rear wheel of the tractor, allowing the differential to spin free on that side. If kept in adjustment, they work very well. They are NOT intended for use during heavy tillage operations such as plowing. You might be able to find a photocopy of a manual for it on ebay or at a tractor show/swap meet.