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If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So Far)

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Frank... (frank

07-21-2006 22:53:04

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I seriously thought that I had an almost normal life until it all came crashing down in July. I went to my friends house for two days and I get back to hear that my dad had killed himself. I love him very much and I thought I took that easily for some reason. Got through the funeral and burial fine. Then my girl friend breaks up with me but that really didnt affect me even though I DO love her still. It was calming down after that and I went to my other friends house then to the movies to come back and hear im moving. The only plan now is moving into my grandparents basement which is a finish apartment until I graduate. Oh yea, all in one month... Oh yea, im ONLY 14 years old!!
Frank II(Fathers name was Frank too)

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Mark - IN.

07-23-2006 04:19:49

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
Frank, I for one am sorry to hear about such bad and tragic happenings in your life. I'd like to think that no one should have to go through such things, but unforunately it happens. There must be reasons for it too, reasons made available in the end, I guess, because I sure don't understand them all now, nor do I have all of the answers. I guess that you'll have to keep the faith and be strong, as strong as you can be.

Life's not always easy, and life has been tougher for some of us than others, but looking back on it now, my life hasn't been as tough as others. I guess that makes me a lucky guy, in my view. I lost my father to a farming accident when I was 10, and we lost pretty much everything, including the farm. We all went to live with cousins and grandparents for a few months until Mom could scrape together enough money to buy us a small place to live, and we grew up with mostly nothing and had to do much for ourselves and the rest of our family while most of our friends had mostly everything given to them. We grew up straight, many of my friends grew up not to amount to much or have respect for much... most was given to them. The person that had the toughest life that I know? My Mom. She faught and pulled us all back together and nearly cracked a time or two under the pressure, but she's survived so far. I work in Illinois during the week, own a place back home here in Bristol that I make it to on most weekends, and my retired Mom and one of my sisters have to themselves during the week. All that I ask of them, take care of my dog, Lou when I'm gone, do whatever they want to the house, even paint it purple if they want (I don't care, but kinda glad they probably never will paint it purple), do whatever they want within its few surrounding acres, but stay off of the bigger tractors and out of the fields so they don't get hurt. Oh yeah, don't leave any guns loaded and don't shoot the dogs. My Mom's 70 and practices shooting off of the deck by her bedroom from time to time. What the heck, it's legal and she's earned it. She's by far the best mother and mostly the best father that I've ever had. May God always bless her and may she never have to go without again as long as I'm alive and can provide. She did for me, us, and she's pretty deserving as far as I'm concerned.

Hang in there Frank, you'll survive although at times it may seem as though you won't. And don't hate your father...something went terribly wrong, something massive, and I'm sure that he'd never willingly turn his back on his family, and he made a decision that he can never take back...never ever. If not now, I'm sure that someday when you get older and have to fend for yourself, you'll see and realize that. Young man, never forget the good times that he was there for you, and learn from his mistakes, and those that you will make as well. Life isn't perfect. Take care of your Mom and family as best you can.


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chris sweetland

07-22-2006 21:16:35

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
when i was 14 i lost my brother to a car accadent and not to long after my dad took off hes still living but nothin would change if he wernt my grandfather killed himself and my grandma had a massive heart attack, i kinda got tossed around by family and friends and it seamed like no one gave a crap so let me give you a little advice. drugs and alcohal dont work i tryed them. find a small group of people who really care and stick with them. and get a few tractors to keep you busy all these worked for me i made it to 17 and if ya need to chat the emails open good luck keep your head high and dont let anyone talk you in to something stupid and that includes your self, chris

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steve from mo - dangit!

07-22-2006 16:02:21

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 Hurts to think about it. in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
There"s a few hundred good guys hanging out around here (and a couple of jerks, but I"m not going to mention names!). So come here often and read up on other peoples" lives. Yours is tough right now, so you need to find people who will listewn to you or just sit with you. Church is usually a good place to find those people.

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future tractor man

07-22-2006 14:44:43

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
Sorry to hear about your dad and your problems.

Right now your going to grow up a little sooner than most kids your age. Now is the time to focus on school and keep your nose in the books so your grades are up. Now is not the time to let things go. You have to keep it together. You need to get a good education now. Don't worry about the future too hard too it will all come together as it happens when you get older. Put your faith in God and everything will turn out ok. Godbless

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07-22-2006 11:24:37

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
You just got a lesson on how fast things can change in life. I lost my grandfather from my daily activitys to a stroke, no he isn't dead, but he has to live in a nursing home now and can't do much of anything on his own. He used to wrench on tractors with me, he also used to do most of the boiling in maple sugaring for me while I gathered sap. I now have to do it all myself, it seemed so weird not to have grandpa there and I never thought from 1 season to the next he wouldn't be there, I mean I knew it could happen and would some day, but it was still a shock. Moving on is the only thing you can do and drugs/alchohol definatly isn't the answer. Time will makes things better, it does get better. Hope this helps,

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07-22-2006 09:55:01

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
Frankie: No one should have to go through what you"ve been through this year, let alone someone your age! As everyone has said, it will get better over time. Keep the faith! Hold your head high, but don"t be afraid to cry once in awhile. You will probably go through all of the stages of grieving, including anger and despair, but REMEMBER: you are not alone! Others have gotten through such trials, you can too. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

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37 chief

07-22-2006 08:47:42

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
Frank, hang in there. I am sorry to hear about your father. As for the girlfriend, if she left you when you are having major prblems in your life, she wasen't a keeper. It is hard to lose a family member. Things look dark now, but life will go on for you. Stay close to your mom, she needs your support now. Stan

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Brian in Ohio

07-22-2006 07:54:48

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  

I'm well over twice your age, and I knowm for the most part, what you are going through. I lost my father back in April, and even as an adult, I'm having a hard time "moving on" without him. He and I were best friends, and he was the one that got me interested in antique tractors. Every time I step out my front door to go somewhere, the first thing I see is the shed across the yard, and his Case 12-20 Crossmotor. I've tried a couple of times to fire her up and take her for a spin around the yard, but I just can't bring myself to do it. YET. But I know that a day will come where I'll be able to, and move on with my life. As will you... It may take some time, but wounds DO heal, just hang in there, and surround yourself with good friends and family that care about you.

As for the girlfriend... Dude, I've been through tons of girlfriends and a divorce before finding my lovely bride of 10 years. Keeping fishing brother... There's a never ending supply of women out there. People are making them every day. You find one that will suit you for the rest of your days.

If you aren't ready to move, like where you're living, and going to school, and the option is there for you to live with your Grandparents, then why not? Do what's best for YOU. Everything else will work itself out...

Go find a tractor to wrench on... Tends to be therapeutic. Maybe Allen in Nebraska will let ya work on his Farmalls... :)

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jubilee johnny

07-22-2006 05:39:25

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
I suppose there is not magic things any of us can say that would take the pain away from what you have recently gone through. But, there are many people out there, past and present, who have determined to let their adversities make them better NOT bitter. Read about the problems that Abraham Lincoln had. Just make sure you pick friends who will be a positive influence on you. And, most of all, down the road a few years God will give you a better understanding of the good that can come out of what at first seems to be bad.

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Roy Suomi

07-22-2006 05:16:00

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
Keep the chin up . Life goes on . You've been through a lot for a young man . That will make you tougher and be able to handle what life doles out better than some coddled , everything handed to them , baby...I lost my dad young in life . I'm a survivor ,. you can do it too. As far as babes, don't even think that was "THE" one.. You will be surprised whats out there..Finish up school , get a good profession started..Good Luck.. R.S.

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07-22-2006 05:06:46

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
Hang in there Frank. Your life is hard right now because of choices other people made. The next year or two are going to be very hard as you adjust, you will never be exactly the same. We all have choices in life. You will need to make the right choices - to always remember you have a future that will get better once the pain passes. A choice to get involved in a church or other organiztion to surround yourself with people who really care about you and give you support. A choice to listen to advice -which can be very tough when real, painful emotions are in the way. I hope you get through this and learn to live life well. God bless you.


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Midwest redneck

07-22-2006 02:10:59

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
Dont worry about the old girlfriend, there are plenty of girls out there, some break your heart because they are mean..some dont care. But as the old saying goes "there are plenty of fish in the sea" Some people commit suicide because life is very hard, Job, Money problems, loss of hope, Taxes, not enough friends, etc. Hang in there.

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07-22-2006 00:45:45

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to Frank... (frankie), 07-21-2006 22:53:04  
Hi Frank,

WOW! Hang in there as life will get better over time.

Prayers from our family to yours.


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Bill of TN

07-22-2006 09:48:59

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 Re: If you get sad easily, dont read! (My Life So in reply to T_Bone, 07-22-2006 00:45:45  
Remain faithful and use this time to become closer to the lord.

Focus on the good.....don't worry about the bad.....

Read the book of Jobe..... ...

There are forces in your life of which you have no control.

Only through the pain do we learn tenderness.

In the summer, the trees grow leaves and the flowers bloom. In the winter, while the tops look dead, the roots grow. While things look bad for you now, your roots are growing just waiting to spring forth when the sun finally warms the ground (your heart).

When the light lives in your heart the summers arn't near as hot, nor the winters near as cold.

I'm sorry my young friend, some times lifes lessons come a little early.....but to all people the lessons of life must come..... ..It's your time to learn.

Look up to the light for never will god leave you, never will he forsake you.

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