What's up Bret, how'z the great white north ? Clowns..... . LOL ..... . here we go again, ( it's ok, still not going to agree with the inference made, but I can understand your end to a degree, don't mean I agree 100% though, get it ? ) Now do you really want me to respond to this, it's always going to be an US and THEM thing, that is a given, one thing I can tell you is showing some respect when warranted ( yeah decent people are shaded by a lot of bad people ) is a good thing. Yeah I know how it's hard to determine who is dangerous and who is a friend, it's the screwed up society we live in. Still can't be sour. So people whine, what's new, I hate whiners just as much, why not send them to Iraq or Afghanistan, or a third world country with food shortages, disease, drought, etc. ? You really got nothing to whine about here if you know what I mean. I put a young sherriff deputy in his place last week, why because I won't tolerate the unprofessional atttitude of any civil servant that my tax dollars contribute to paying for the service, and I certainly don't reciprocate any disrespect when dealing with these people, but some do feel that the empowerment with the badge and weapon, and the law, is the green light to intimidate people and if they make a mistake, it's at your expense unless you are diligent enough to turn the tables and catch them. I could go on and on, have many friends in your same agency, I know enough of what goes on, from patrol to forensic investigation, some of your work is nasty business, caused by some of the most despicable people known to mankind, we know that, we know that someone has to deal with these people, we have law enforcement agencies to deal with this, comprised of brave people who make it a career to enforce our laws and maintain civilization in a just order. I lived next to a barracks for over 3o years, I saw a lot of people brought in over those years and I know of a lot of things that went on that the public don't know. NYS troopers get the most respect of all, I've seen plenty of local guys toss a career away on some stupid crap, some with a mean streak a mile long, but hey at least we have order. People with badges do get out of line, problem is they are supposed to win all the time when they screw up, they already have a distinct advantage, I don't think so, you can contest things without being threatening, confrontational, argementative, there are means to settle a dispute, arbitration, mediation, litigation, what makes a law enforcement officer immune to performance evaluation, or questioning their professional demeanor, especially if there is good reason, who the hell says I can't question something that is unreasonable ? It's BS Hey if you are a jerk and are constantly breaking the law, then you deserve what you get. In a case like this, there is a strong possibility that something may be wrong. I'm not going to give an officer a bunch of crap, act like a raving idiot and get subdued for some stupid nonsense, However, I will ask questions, and gather all information due, and be firm about it if I get the run around, and then do what is necessary be it court or whatever it takes. I've won or had things tossed out many times, some of which I did to lessen the impact, I was still wrong, but others it was clearly a case of fighting back for a cause I believed in, and not to undermine the law or make a mockery of the law and it's enforcement people. There is a fine line of the interpretation of the law and you guys are the custodians who make that judgement call and it's a judgement call in many instances, some are cut and dry, others are not and you know this, it's your job to know this. All people do make mistakes, there are times when things can and do need to be questioned, it's that simple, forget about the whining and sniveling people who complain about everything, these people will always be miserable, I'm talking about people of good moral character and ethics, who contribute more than they take, work hard and try and lead a good just life, treating others with respect and decency. If you go to a court room on court night, I see the whiners and the problematic people, many from the inner city,it's not an easy life, not easy to get away from a bad scene and it ruins many people, but there also those who find a way out and become educated and learn more for the sake of self improvment, I hate to classify people like this but you know exactly what I am talking about, you've been in many court rooms, some people just never get over the hump, and end up dealing with the law constantly, and you see a lot of those people I'm sure.