By request I will share my story...1991, I was 10 years old about 2 weeks before starting the 5th grade. Unloading a truck with an 8" PTO-drive auger that the guard had been removed from so that it would fit in the door of a bin. Being a helpful person, I was always around and doing what I could. When the truck was empty I kicked the tailgate shut - my foot slipped off the back of the truck box and into the auger. Luckily my Dad was right behind me to pull me out before worse could happen, but I lost 1/2 of my right foot. The auger mangled it to the point that it could not be saved. For the rest of my life I will have one calf smaller than the other, one leg shorter than the other, and will be required to wear high-top shoes with a fairly expensive prosthetic foot in it. The complications that have come about from the loss are too numerous to mention - the emotional/psychological being far worse than the physical. Please, people, DO NOT REMOVE SAFETY EQUIPMENT! It is not worth it, take the extra time to do things safely - the life you save may be your own. On another note, I rolled a car in 2000, was not wearing a seatbelt and was thrown out. I was lucky enough to walk away with some severe bruising and a broken ankle. About a week ago my brother rolled his pickup coming home from the bar. No seatbelt, thrown out, walked away with minor bruising and some scratches. WEAR YOUR SEATBELT! and DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE! For those with a more visual sense: The auger, with the guard re-installed:
 Me next to my totalled Neon:
 My brother's pickup:

 If sharing all that has happened to my family can influence even one person to put safety equipment back on/not remove it in the first place, wear their seat belt, or avoid drinking and driving - it is worth it. Our faith in the Lord has pulled us through tough times and continues to be strong. Everything happens for a reason, stay safe out there!