Well the wife and teen daughter have been gone for 3 weeks now visiting my granddaughter in Md. Since they will be coming home tomorrow and I have all (well most of) the honey do while I am gone list done I figured I could take one day and do nothing productive. I spent the afternoon sitting at the local cow auction and watching the cows cross the selling block.Here is some of what was sold………………. Mixed scrub goats Lot of 4 Nanny…..350 lbs total…..$62.50 each Big Billy……..$65 to $75 Big Nanny………$70 Boar Goats Lot of 5.……255 lbs total $52.50 each Billy……55 lbs $85.00.…and 110lbs….$90.00 Hampshire York cross pigs Lot of 6.….640 lbs total….. .41 Lot of 3.….215 lbs total…. .50 Horses Nice 7yr old mare (lady said she paid $1400 5 yrs ago)…..$975. Nice 10 yr old gelding………$550. Nice Kids horse….2 yr old filly….$525. OK but not great 11yr old mare with colt at side $650 for both So So 10 yr old mare with small filly at side $375. Cows 3 yr old fresh Holstein X…..Nice average grade cow with calf at side….$1075. They turned around and sold the heifer calf for $185 Lot of 4 Holstein yearlings……..$825 each (nice grade cows) 3 teat Holstein yearling……..$400 Holstein Jersey X yearling Heifers……$400 to $500 1 ½ yrs (not breed) $875 Guaranteed Good 3 yr old Holstein bull said to be out of a good 100lb+ cow…………Offered at $1000 but did not sell. Bottle calves Heifers……… Nice Holstein…..$375. (only had 1) Had one nice Holstein but had a small limp $230. Holstein Jersey X….$175 to $325 depending on size and spunk. Holstein beef X…..$90. To $170 depending on size and spunk. Bull calves Holstein…..1 small for $105. But average was $130 to $145 1 totally blind bull calf $20. Holstein X…$60 to $130 Holstein Steers Lot of 8.…470 lbs each….. .875 Lot of 15.….. 570 lbs each… .90 Singles sold for .83 to 1.15 Bad Heifer yearling .60 Beef cross 200 to 300 lbs (The big ear and Angus crosses sold highest.) Bulls 1.20 to 1.30 Heifers .85 to 1.35 I did not stay long enough to see the cow calf pairs or cull dairy cows sell.