We had some sort of similar situation, but the guy lived there in a trailer ( he has a house but it's uninhabitable, no running water or power and he worked for us. He was an untidy person in appearance, and here he was on our farm ( one of dad's guys ) taking care of our animals, stealing our hay and diesel, yet he had hundreds of thousands in the bank. He was also run off several dairy farms, he used to milk too. His animals, dogs, ponies, you name it he's got one of them, dogs stacked in cages, meaner than mean, and taken care of their business on the poor one below, hardly fed, the usual scene that ends up on the news. All were mistreated and I saw it for my own eyes. My guy at our place showed me where he lives and I took photos, so I could try and get through to dear old dad about this fool, who I could not stand already then find out he's abusing animals by not feeding them. I said what are you afraid of, the guy is worthless to you, he's taking our hay and diesel and he brags about his money in the bank waving bank statements in the air, gripes about alleged shortages on his hours, hardly does his job and our horses suffer poorly done stalls that I would have to re-do everyday, I said are you like brain dead here bub ? Can't have a guy like that around, and on top that I can't stand a person who does what he does at home, not feeding his animals, even when he stole from us, he barely fed them. Then because of his habits at home he was shorting our animals last winter too, they were getting thin, I put a stop to that though, but this is what the guy does, They'll be fine, they have plenty etc. His idea of plenty is none. Finally got rid of him and got some heat on him at home, with the authorities, he told me I'd best grow eyes in the back of my head and I told him there is a point where I draw the line when it comes to the law, and don't ever forget it, been hunting deer a long time, maybe I change my target if I feel it necessary also told him don't ever come by my place here or the farm up there again. He's been known to do things like this, figure a little intimidation might change his mind, he's not worth a pitcher of warm saliva, (Herbert Hoover ?? )I don't think I'd waste my time and end up in zee klink over him, but mess with our places, the wrath will be unleashed. We have some real jerks in the sticks by the place, he honestly thought I was a dumb city slicker, dumb kid etc., I did not notice him stealing etc. It's really funny the shite that goes on when you are not seen or known to be at the place, instead you are sitting in the woods with binoculars watching the guy steal from you and other things that go on. Somedays the bitter hatred towards other people because of what they do can get in the way of rational thinking, but step on my toes long enough, there comes a point where there is no return. The area is loaded with jerks, some of which have worked for us unfortunately. Trooper warned me that the area is loaded with of all things, s..x offenders, so screen your people well. If you see the animals being mistreated, it's a hard call, yeah none of your business, but who will step up to the plate for them, no one and you know what it's like to be hungry, thirsty, overheated, bugs sucking on your skin, getting in yer eyes, maybe you can talk some sense into the guy by leading by example or maybe he needs a swift kick in the behind it ain't right to make an animal suffer that is for sure, I'd probably not watch much more of this if it were me, even though it's a rock and a hard place, when it comes to animals suffering, you have to end it, be it with firearm or by doing what you are supposed to do by making sure they have food and water, there is no other way in my opinion.