I had problems with my 871, first the positive battery cable "burnt" right of the battery post after a few cranks of the engine. replaced it with a new one from the local auto parts store. Had exactly what you described, "click", then the light on the tractor dash (for the generator) would go out. Taking the cable off the battery post and putting it on would reset everything. Tried jumping across the solenoid, and even putting voltage right to the starter. No help. I figured starter bad (brushes or armature shorted). Had starter rebuilt, and reinstalled it. Same thing. Turn key, push button, "click" then nothing. Couldn't get anything to happen until I removed then reinstalled cable to battery. Disconnected starter cable and pushed button I could click the solenoid all day long. Found that the battery cable I bought was junk. It wouldn't carry a load. Replaced cable and everything is good. My starter was worn out, so I did have two problems.