08-21-2006 20:23:34
Re: Ford C700 cabover engine? in reply to OliverGuy, 08-21-2006 12:17:42
If it's a single with a trailing axle, then it's certainly not going to be a performer off road. Stuck and troubled is the phrase..... An air lift wouldn't be so bad. If you got in a jam, you could lift the lift axle, and transfer enough weight to move. The engine wouldn't be such a concern to me as the gearing. For moving some heavy loads, you would want something like a 5 with ruxel or a 5x2 or 5x4. Something with lots of gears, and a good low gear. Good brakes is the other factor. The GVW on the door might not be such a big factor. If it's got the axles, with brakes, you should be OK. I would not be concerned having a gvw of 40000# if the trailing axle has brakes. In an old bomb like that, particulairly one that's been built up locally, the trailing axle could have been added, who knows what engine thrown in, and lord knows what drive line. Those old gas engines were not exactly known for long life spans. Honestly, in my opinion, an old truck like that is worth whatever you think the box and scopes are worth. The truck and it's wetline are a dime a dozen. Around here you can't even sell them for scrap, other than the melting pot. There's plenty of good late model diesel trucks around for not much more money.... especially if you've got to keep it legal..... But, if the box and hoist are good, then it's probably worth the $2000. You can always throw that body on a better truck down the road. Good luck.Rod