I always wondered how you could enjoy these things all year, apples, tomato's etc. I guess this why people canned and preserved things. It sure is nice to be in an area with orchards, in this area of NY there are quite a few. The side hill next the house, all of which was once pasture, probably 15 acres, overgrown for years, has all kinds of wild apples, some of which are really good, others although full size can be slightly bitter, picking them at the right time has a lot to do with it. I just lost a wild one with sweet apples next to the house, was in the way of my new pole barn, so I caefully dug around it with the hoe, got a pretty big rootball, transplanted it into a nice wet hole, also where the rain and run-off heads before it goes down the hill, no go, turned brown and died even with watering, going to miss that one, was right where a post was too, would have built around it had I known, one tree worth keeping. At least I have plenty of others. What I am waiting for is the pears on the 2 trees in the yard, they have been fantastic the last few years, have a beautiful apple, forget the variety, but the darn mate to it was knocked over by a storm or something years ago, need to cross pollinate it, but there is a sapling shoot that I have been nurturing to come back for a few years, so maybe I'll have a mate for it again. Tough one if you like apples and not in an area where they are grown, I miss the fresh picked ones in the off season, that and garden tomato's, something terrible, good stuff no doubt !!!