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Just Don't Know 'Bout This

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Allan In NE

08-23-2006 16:45:45

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Hi All,

Found a spare 20 minutes a little bit ago, so I ran out in the middle of the prairie and fixed the antifreeze leak on this hydro tractor.

When I put the head back on I had used a teflon washer to seal the temp sender and guess what? It melted. Anyway, popped in a brass washer, filled 'er up and was done. No big deal.

However, I know it is neither here nor there, but this little guy is starting to put a bad taste in my mouth. I don't think I get along with gassers very well.

Might have to sell this silly porker and get me another darned good diesel. They run forever, right? :>)


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08-25-2006 05:26:17

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 16:45:45  
I don't know about your RED tractors but my little blue one 96 Ford New Holland 1715 27 HP doesn't run three days & just bareley come off full it uses about 1/2 Gal hour brush hoging I can work it 8 hours & it takes about 4 1/2 Gal "TANK HOLDS ABOUT 6 gal" to fill up I thought that was good but if the RED ones do that good I might trade for one . Wouldn't even consider using a Gas one .

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03-01-2007 16:42:41

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 HELP in reply to Oldmax, 08-25-2006 05:26:17  
I have a ford 1715 tractor. I will not start when I engage the key nothing happens. When I put a screwdriver to the starter it will try to start but it will not turn over.

What could be wrong

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John S-B

08-24-2006 07:16:43

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 16:45:45  
Allen, you seem like a nice guy so I'd be willing to haul that thing away for $50, I'd even take a check! :^)

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08-24-2006 05:23:23

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 16:45:45  
Dunno, Allan! I've had ONE Diesel tractor in my life, and don't EVER plan on going back to one! Dirty, smelly, noisy, expensive..... ...

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08-24-2006 19:31:30

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Dachshund, 08-24-2006 05:23:23  
Never owned a Deisel but drove some neighbors tractors, was a red deisel that the exaust bout killed me. To this day at the filling station I have to staay away from the iland that has a deisel pump because the smell of the spilled deisel about makes me sick. I will stick to gas

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Joe in MND

08-24-2006 05:44:48

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Dachshund, 08-24-2006 05:23:23  

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Luke S

08-24-2006 06:21:10

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Joe in MND, 08-24-2006 05:44:48  
You guys must have had really old diesel tractors? Even the one's I have built in the 70's are not any noisier than a comparable gas, they do not smell more than a comparable gas, They start good, even in winter, and are easier on fuel than a comparable gas. I think diesels are easier to work on, at least for me. You don't have to worry about having any spark. I am lost when it comes to working on a gas engine, but I can do most anything to a diesel.

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Joe in MN

08-24-2006 06:36:10

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Luke S, 08-24-2006 06:21:10  
I suppose it's all what you get use to... If your happy with Diesel, and I'm happy with Gas, were both happy, that's what counts....

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08-24-2006 07:15:20

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Joe in MN, 08-24-2006 06:36:10  
Yup! I won't have another Diesel pickup, neither! I didn't see any advantage to one for what I do - it was actually MORE expensive in the long run. It's all in what you know and get used to!

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Luke S

08-24-2006 07:39:42

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Dachshund, 08-24-2006 07:15:20  
I agree about the diesel pick-up. I'd say 90% of the people who have one don't need it or can't justify it. We average 50-80k miles per year pulling loads up to 30,000lbs, so it makes since for us. Everything I own is diesel, even my lawmower. I can cut 16 acres of grass before having to fill the tank, and since it is a heavy duty iron water cooled engine, I'd say it'll outlast 3 or 4 of those little gas air cooled jobs?

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08-24-2006 07:57:42

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Luke S, 08-24-2006 07:39:42  
Dunno - the last lawn mower I has was a 1986 MTD (I THINK - it was red anyhoo), ran great until I loaned it out to a guy who ran it without the air filter. Ran all the way up until last year. Sure wish I had that back to replace the POS Lawn Deere thing I now have!

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Luke S

08-24-2006 08:29:56

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Dachshund, 08-24-2006 07:57:42  
Those little inexpensive gas jobs do ok on smaller acreage, but I cut 8 acres per week with mine. It has a 60" deck. I don't think I could even think about cutting that much with a conventional lawnmower in the time I have to do it.

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08-24-2006 13:47:13

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Luke S, 08-24-2006 08:29:56  
Well - I cut about 3 acres with the MTD when I lived in Missouri, then it went up to 5 here on the farm. It had a 54" deck. After it finally dies, I bought this POS Lawn Deere thinking that I'd only use it to cut around the house and outbuildings. WRONG. I only use it for a spot about 100' x 40', then get the 8N and brush hog the rest. Point being, a gas model will do the acres too, it's just what your used to.

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08-24-2006 10:11:53

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Luke S, 08-24-2006 08:29:56  
I've got an older John Deere lawn tractor with a little 3 cylinder Yanmar diesel engine in it. It has about a zillion hours on it and still starts instantly. It will run circles around any gas engine and you can run it all day on a couple of pints of fuel.

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08-24-2006 19:36:31

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Beck, 08-24-2006 10:11:53  
Dunno - had pretty good luck with my gas mowers (except this one - but then it IS a JD). I'll stick with gas! Your mileage may vary.

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08-23-2006 22:43:02

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 16:45:45  
You sure it was teflon (PTFE)?
How hot do you run your tractor if this thing melted?

"Melting point is 327 °C, but its properties degrade above 260 °C" - properties of PTFE.

Probably a cheap polypropylene look-alike!
Regards, RAB

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Allan In NE

08-24-2006 02:05:33

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to RAB, 08-23-2006 22:43:02  
Heck, I don't know.

It was a little sealing ring out of an automatic transmission. Looked like teflon. :>)


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08-23-2006 19:51:31

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 16:45:45  
You're right about those old diesels. About 9 years ago I bought a 1967 model (not a Red one) at a local auction. To this day, I have not spent a dime on it other than normal fluids and filters, and one new battery. The old gal sits all winter, and starts up in the spring on the first try...every time. Best 3 grand I've ever invested!

If you go ahead and buy that 666 from your friend; give him a real fair price, will you?
In all my years, I've never sent a get-well note to someone and received a personal "thank you" call back. A friend like that deserves the best!

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Allan In NE

08-24-2006 02:02:27

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Rauville, 08-23-2006 19:51:31  
Hi Ol' Bud,

I dunno. I'm like you; I just can't ever remember having a "problem" with a diesel tractor. 'Course, to be fair about it, this hydro was a pretty tired old beast when I started on it too. Just hope this was the last "incident". :>(

When the little hydro decided to take the day off, I went and hitched up to the 686. After running three days, I think I saw the fuel gauge "wiggle off the full mark" just a touch. :>)


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08-23-2006 19:48:41

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 16:45:45  
those red machines are just mad at you because after you fix them up so nice you make them stay out in the hot sun all the time.. LOL

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the tractor vet

08-23-2006 19:20:59

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 16:45:45  
You must not be holden you mouth just wright or does this fall under the topic Don't try this at home childern leave it to the trained professionals . and just why did you put a washer in on the temp probe have i been missing something over the past 20 plus years here?????

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Allan In NE

08-24-2006 01:51:15

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to the tractor vet, 08-23-2006 19:20:59  
No, you're not missing anything.

The darned adaptor is out of a little cub, B, C 'er some darned thing and they must use a little bigger diameter probe. The shoulder on my probe is just small enough that it falls on thru the adaptor.

Searched high and low for that adaptor with the correct thread pitch and a nice guy mailed me this one.

The final cure was a brake line/caliper brass sealing washer from Ford. Just fits inside that adaptor and tight around the probe. :>)


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08-23-2006 18:25:06

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 16:45:45  
Well I was going to talk about how you should keep it. Once you get the bugs worked out and with all the work you have done it should be a dependable tractor for years to come.

But buying a 666D and putting a loader on the hydro sounds like a solid plan to me....as long as you post lots of 666 pics.

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08-23-2006 17:26:24

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 16:45:45  
Allan,I just dont know about you. Seems to me that if you had half the troubles you think you got you would still have more troubles then any one else.

Looks like that would make a good loader tractor tho. steveormary

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Allan In NE

08-23-2006 17:29:14

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to steveormary, 08-23-2006 17:26:24  
I know. :>(

I think maybe I'm lookin' fer something to do this winter. Like paintin' up another red tractor. :>)


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08-23-2006 16:53:20

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 16:45:45  
I've seen some sad diesels that people TRIED to run forever. A couple had a plate welded on the side of the block after a rod had gone through it.


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Rich in NY

08-24-2006 01:21:48

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to KEH, 08-23-2006 16:53:20  
My Dad had a tractor throw a rod back in '71, had the block patched and the tractor is still going today. My brother has it. Why it threw that rod I dont know but its never had any engine trouble since. Your comment just remindeed me of the fact,tend to forget it ever happened.

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Allan In NE

08-23-2006 17:05:55

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to KEH, 08-23-2006 16:53:20  
Oh yeah, I'd drive right on by those tired old jokers.

However, a friend of mine has a cute little 666 gear drive diesel and I'm pretty sure I saw my name written all over that princes here a while back. :>)

Dunno, have just never have taken to the gassers all that much. Trouble is, I've been thru this one bumper to bumper and have a couple of shekels invested in it. Whatever. She just better watch 'er step or I know an old Farmhand loader that just might end up being her new dress. :>)


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08-23-2006 17:52:24

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 17:05:55  
I think when you had the head gasket problem a few people mentioned a 310D would fix that thing right up... Shoot one of those would only double the investment you have in that tractor..


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Allan In NE

08-23-2006 18:06:07

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Robhkent, 08-23-2006 17:52:24  

I think I'm gettin' pretty darned close to the end of the money tree on this ol' sister, but a diesel engine is all that is left, I guess. The heck of it is, the darned thing runs like a million bucks..... ..... ..now. :>(

However, guess it wouldn't look too darned bad under a F-10 loader, now would it? Bummer is, I just strapped that silly 3-point hitch on 'er too.

It just ain't easy owning a gasser tractor, ya know. :>(


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08-23-2006 17:48:09

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 17:05:55  
I happen to know exactly where a good 560D with a rebuilt head is sitting.... make a great straight across trade..... :-) ... it even needs to be painted, so you would have something to do this winter....


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Allan In NE

08-23-2006 17:57:43

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Robhkent, 08-23-2006 17:48:09  

Havin' a little trouble chokin' down that "straight across trade" thingy. :>)


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08-23-2006 18:02:51

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Allan In NE, 08-23-2006 17:57:43  
Heck, I was thinking I was being to generous and maybe you should throw in a right hand rake and a hitch also.....

Lets see, can I get delivery included also.....

Sitting here patiently waiting for he** to freeze over...LOL


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08-23-2006 18:12:28

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to Robhkent, 08-23-2006 18:02:51  
Rob, there used to be a guy just south of New Market that had one of those double rake set-ups, it was a New Holland if I remember right. I'm pretty sure that guy went belly up way back in the 80s, I have no idea where the rakes ended up.

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08-23-2006 18:20:57

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 Re: Just Don't Know 'Bout This in reply to RustyFarmall, 08-23-2006 18:12:28  
Rusty, every time I look at one of those setups, I drool, but I just can't aford it right now anyway. I still have to pay off that 560 I am trying to talk Allan into trading for.

I am going to be closer to your neighbor hood next week. I am building a fence in the Sharpsburg area.


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