I agree with Bob, if dead grounding the Gennys Field post makes her charge but NOTTTTT T otherwise, that tells me the Genny is good and its grounded sooooo ooooo the problems EITHER the VR's Field Current Control Relay is bad (maybe try to non abrasively clean/buff/polish its contacts) orrrrr rrrrr the VR isnt well grounded (try to jump wire ground its frame to the genny) orrrrr rrrrr the wires open or theres a bad/loose connection from the Gennys Field post to the Field terminal on the VR. That 16 volts sounds a lil high, where are you taking that reading????? ???? The open non loaded output voltage of a genny on its ARM terminal dont really tell you all that much, its what its voltage is AFTER its hooked up to a load like a battery that is the real test..... . Sooooo o put the voltmeter on the VR's BAT terminal n measure it when shes setting not running and it should be around 12.6 volts thennnnn nn fire her up and at RPM if all is working it should be around 13 to 14 and a lil over depending on the battery. The more accurate test is reading the battery voltage and see if it rises from 12.6 to 13 and 14 range at RPM. Battery voltage should be present on the VR's BAT terminal at allll times if all is correct n wired right etc. Put the meter on the battery and see what happens when you dead ground the gennys Field post????? ??? In the event it never changes (battery voltage rises) then leave the Field grounded and jump the VR's BAT and GEN/ARM terminal together n see if battery voltage rises????? ? if it rises then but nottttt tt otherwise, its the VR's Cutout Relay thats the culprit which contact cleaning might cure but more likely it needs a new VR Once the gennys Field post is grounded and you jump the VR's BAT and GEN/ARM terminals together, you have essentally by passed the VR and taken it out of the equation, sooooo oo if she still dont charge (raises battery voltage) then, I would suspect the genny is the problem. Post back if you need a more detailed Troubleshootign Procedure John T