I almost bid on a manual in Alaska but the seller wanted to only tell shipping costs after the auction closed and I don't like the surprises that policy can give. 400 Hz three phase does interfere with much house use. It will run the TV, the computer, the battery charger, and incandescent lamps, maybe fluorescents with solid state ballasts, but not older ballasts or motors except for series motors. It would run resistance heaters, but not their fan motors. It would be almost practical to run a 3 phase battery charger with it and run inverters from the battery for 60 Hz loads. Rewinding the core probably isn't practical. I suspect the high frequency comes from a few poles of aternator but with notched pole faces to get 400 Hz without having to have a 16 pole alternator running at some obnoxiously high speed. Years ago, I would have been interested in the 400 Hz capability since I had some military surplus radios that needed 400 Hz power, but they have wandered off as did a 400 Hz motor driven alternator that I had. Seems when I loaned it out, that party moved away and forgot it was a loan and took it with him. These days I have good 60 Hz alternators and for some applications don't need several KW of power and for some things get along fine with 10 amps at 12 volts. Gerald J.