OK Enough O that slander! Just got a phone call saying I was being toasted on YT. Yup Harley, Allan is right. I am chasing myself silly getting ready for an Open House and Fly in. Got some amazing airplanes coming in. The logistics are tough but fun. I am loosing way to much sleep worrying about parents and Kids. last year there were a couple of close calls and it makes for sleepless nights. Just a quick note to all parents Please keep an eye on your yunguns around dangerous equipment! Feature attraction this year is an F4F WildCat (in photo) that spent 48 years at the bottom of Lake Michigan before pulled up and restored. It is the only one still in airworthy, flying condition. P-51, Stearmans, Meyers OTW, Chinnook, Black Hawk, helicopter rides, powerd gliders, Stinson Reliant, home builts, Hawker 800 and on and on. French toast is being served on the side. Music will be supplied by my nickelodeon. Thanks for the concern guys. I'll see you once Sat has come and gone! Bill Back to work! I have the hanger ready but my office!!! Yikes!!