10-18-2006 20:04:12
Insulators on wrong? in reply to Ted Van Ryn, 10-18-2006 14:51:32
You sure the insulators are all in place and in the correct order? I'm not familiar with the glow-plug system on later B engines used in IHs like your's - but I've got a few British/Indian IHs from the early 60s - a B275 with the BD-144, and a B414 with the BD-154. They both use slow-heating glow plugs all hooked in series along with a resistor in the dashboard. The resistor in the dashboard has the same heating value and resistance as the glow plugs - i.e. they all heat up at the same rate and speed. Thus - the dash-mounted resistor also works as a glow indicator. #1 It's lets you know when all is hot enough for starting - and #2 when it's getting too hot. And - since all is hooked in series, if one plug goes bad - none will work. If your tractor is hooked the same way - you should not be able to burn out the resistor - unless one or more of the glow-plugs has too little resistance. So, yes - in that case a short would do it. But considering how flimsy those glow-plugs are - it seems unlikely that you could cause that kind of short on the element end (in the precombustion chamber). At least with the plugs I've used - the elements burn off pretty easy. I'd more likely suspect you got some of the stacks of insulators on the glow-plugs either missing or arranged in the wrong order. It's kind of a complicated arrangement of insulator bushings and copper leads. The glow-plugs used for my tractors - and other stuff they are supposed to fit are: Champion CH28 (155). Bosch # : 0250001001 or 0250001010 Lucas: DS104 Beru: 214GK Same plug used in: MERCEDES (Series) 17ODa. 17ODb, 17ODS, 17OS-D, 180D,18ODb D5, 190D, 19ODb 81 INTERNATIONAL BDI44, BD154, B250, B27, B414, 424, 444, 2424. 2444, 3414, 3444, 364, 384, TD-5, 500, Series, 7000 MERCEDES-BENZ Unimog: 411A, 8, C OM Series 83- MEVOSA OM636 SEAT 132D, OM636 THERMO-KING NWD, UWD(Series)