As far as the fire goes, it'll be in the middle of an open feild, bare dirt, nothing to catch fire. It'll be a while if we do burn it, my dad was thinking chipper but I don't think it's a good idea, considering how many times I stabbed my hands on the thorns. One thing on burning, we've had large fires on our farm before and never with a permit. Several times the neighbors thought our barn was on fire because the flames were over the roof, but it was just brush behind the barn. The thing that burns me about this, is that the branches overhang 15+ ft. into our feilds, so yeah they should have been cut a while ago already. Almost all of the trees, atleast where I trimmed them off, were on our side and fell on our side. Only a few were over the line, but they still over hang. If I would have gone out there 3 years ago, maybe 2 of those houses would be there, and I wouldn't have had any problems.
The officer never said it was okay for me to tramps all over the yard and do what I want, but if they really have a problem with me trimming trees that have been there 20 years longer than their houses, where they can't trim them on our side themselves, it's kinda stupid to call the cops. Atleast have the decency to go out and talk to him if he didn't already think to talk to you, instead of jumping the gun and calling law enforcement right away. I could have been an a--hole and just cut everything right above my head, right on the line and been well within my rights to do so, but I also beleive in doing a more attractive job of pruning, not like what the local companies do around power lines just hacking the he11 out of the trees. We've been dealing with bad neighbors on other feilds who think they can dump they're grass clippings in our hay feilds, which just so happen to plug the sickle and cause us trouble. They use our feild as a golf driving range, and arecreational area for their 4 wheelers, dirtbikes, and snowmobiles. I got sick of it and dropped the plow as close to the line as I could, and put a nice deep furrow there. Stopped quite a bit of trouble really quick. I'm sick of people who just moved out into the country, and expect a farmer to bend to their will, and comply with every bul1sh1t thing they can think of. We are constantly cleaning up plastic, house wrap, and other construction debris that blows into our feilds because they are too lazy to put something on the scrap so it doesn't blow away, and when it does, they just watch it go.
Politics has everything to do with it. If this were 20 years ago, each farmer (atleast in our particular neighborhood) would trim the tree as they needed and saw fit. All the neighbors are gone now, closest operating dairy from us is about 2 miles away, and then another 1-2 miles after that. The city just recently annexed right up to our property line. We've had developers knocking on our doors, constantly asking to buy. We have people dumping yard waste at the edge of the field where the road comes up to it. We thought about putting up a nice big fence, with gates and padlocks, but then it'd be an attractive nuisance and we could really loose our a$$ on the whole thing, so we are expected to bend over and take it, without any kind of restitution. So to you, there may be other ways to go about it, but we've been fighting a battle that you don't understand. Our farm has been in the family since Lincoln was president, and is now being forced out by the so-called "progress", where people want to live in the country, but don't realize they are just bringing the city with them and they are completely missing the point, much like you. Have a nice day.