Well, my brother and I went and talked to the guy today, after re-looking and seeing just where the line is. Turns out, I only cut off (3) 2-3"x8' hawthorn (nasty thorns, not grown for looks or anyhitng else. Just a plain old weed, took maybe 5 years to get that big at the most) The 2 bigger trees (about 6") I cut that fell into their yard on their "shrubs" (decorative GRASS.....) were just on our side and I had every right ot whack them things down (again, hawthorn). Well, this guy expected us to pay to have 3 nice 3" maples spaded in to replace the weeds I cut out. Flat out, no hesitation, HE!! NO!!!!! Then my brother, who knows trees, pointed to the 6-10 pine trees he has planted about 1' from the line, and says "that there variety will get anywhere from 15-25 ft. in diameter, and I'll be the first one out here as soon as they grow over the line to go and flat face them with a hedger" Oh NO NO NO!!! I'll take care of that!!! he screams.... Then my brother points to a couple shovels full of clay and gravel that obviously someone threw onto our side, and it was right in the middle of his lot. "Why would I throw that in your feild when I have an open lot right next to me?!?!?!?" Don't know and don't care, but that ain't cool. Basically, he's pisssed that the bigger trees weren't on his side(can't get anything for me cutting them down), and he said the only reason he liked that lot is because of the nice, "rustic" fence row. That's his retirement house, turns out his son was in a grade ahead of me in school. He was a whiner just like his dad too. Long story short, we got him to be happy on 2 $25 trees from the nursery my brother used to work at, and he's permanantly on our shiit list, meaning if that feild needs manure on thanksgiving or Christmas, well, It'll get manure. We don't have any restrictions yet as to when we can/can't haul manure yet in the winter, although we normally pile until spring. In the future, if I ever have to trim the trees by his house, they're getting it done right on the line, flat face power company style. Heck, I may even decide to cut down one or 2 more that are on our side.... Long story short, don't get the farmer in your back yard angry. He won't forget, and he'll do everything he can to get you back within the law. The war is on. Donovan from Wisconsin Oh, btw- for the burning of the brush, my dad called the town hall and asked about a permit. As long as it's brush and the like, we only have to keep an eye on it and no permit required. They do like to know where you are going to be burning, but not really a prerequisite to burn. Kinda nice ot know there are still some places that protect the little guy to some extent.