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O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping

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Deer season for gun starts next weekend here. My neighbor the last 2 days has been driveing down to the edge of his property to check out whos doing the shooting. He never goes off his land but has been looking to see whos doing the shooting and whats being shoot at. Mind you he has to drive more then a mile just to do this so you know hes just plain snooping on me. Guess you could say it just bugs me that he has to check up on me and what I'm doing. Just sort of pisses me off. Thanks for listening to my rant. Or should I say reading

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Steve Crum

11-04-2006 14:26:16

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:22:07  
One of my nosey neighbors stopped by today to see what the rucus was in my new plasma building. I'm building a furnace/compressor room and like any other project that's done around here, I have to do it all myself. Well the neighbor thought it would be worth while to point out that my Dad would roll over in his grave if he were to see the way I fitted down the concrete floor in this area. I stated "maybe so, but if HE were here, he would be right here helping me out", He replied 'can I borrow your backhoe?' I replied no, I'm going to use it to put the plywood on the roof of the room. Your welcome to borrow a shovel though.

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SM in Wi

11-04-2006 14:26:13

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:22:07  
Oh now what, people no long should have the right to do what they want on their own land? Maybe he should tell you, you can't hunt on your land.

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Midwest redneck

11-04-2006 14:20:12

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:22:07  
How much land do you have? how much does he have? He may just be concerned that some folks are hunting on his land and he doesnt want the problems. I only have 2.5 acres and it is 80% wooded, you cant see more then 100ft into the woods (in the summertime). I told my wife that if anybody was hunting or cutting trees on my land they would be chased off with my 12 Gauge shotgun. (lotsa losers out there)

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11-04-2006 14:56:35

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to Midwest redneck, 11-04-2006 14:20:12  
He owns almost 400 arces and I own 44. He just does this to try to catch me doing some thing and thats just it. Hes just plain checking up on what I'm doing and thinks he can tell me what I can and can't do.

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11-04-2006 18:00:19

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 14:56:35  
I've had a few neighbors like that (and I've probably been guilty of being nosey myself), bottom line, he can drive his fence lines all he wants, its his land.

I do have a few people (neighbors)who have been told they arent welcome on my property. If they need to communicate with me, they can mail me a letter.

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11-04-2006 19:07:38

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to kyhayman, 11-04-2006 18:00:19  
It wouldn't bother me if he was just driveing his fence line checking his fence but this was just a case of driveing in and seeing what I was shooting at and then just drive back out.

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Gary in Geneva

11-04-2006 17:07:04

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 14:56:35  
Your neighbor may have had bad experiences in the past and is fearful of a repeat occurrence. I would recommend that you be neighborly – when you see your neighbor at or near the fence go over and have a nice chat about the weather, your old guns, the cost of gas, how things are doing in the county, etc. Try to calm his fears, and let him know that you are careful and responsible with your guns. Invite him over to have a look see.

Here are a couple of recent examples of less than safe gun usage I witnessed.

A new neighbor on about 3 acres apparently had some friends over to shoot what sounded like a couple of .22 rifles and a .38 handgun. They really don’t have anywhere safe to shoot on their place, no back stop etc. After shooting almost 100 rounds rapid fire one of the neighbors that was apparently down range of where they were shooting came over to their place and gave them “HE double hockey sticks” for shooting in the direction of his yard and family. I heard him yelling from over a ½ mile away!

Another neighbor was shooting his 9mm handgun in a somewhat safe direction, but without any backstop that I could see. Any stray bullets could have gone through one or two adjacent properties. At least the houses are a few hundred feet from where the bullets could have gone. I am glad that no one was in the neighbor’s yard.

If any of the neighbors ever shoot in the direction of me or my family, animals, or equipment I will do my utmost to ensure they never do it again. If you were down range from these two neighbors how would you feel?

The gun range is about 2.5 to 3 miles away!

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11-04-2006 17:18:27

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to Gary in Geneva, 11-04-2006 17:07:04  
This guys affraid to even talk to me. If he has a problem with me he raises cain with my parents but will not even give me the time of day. I have never done any thing to him but still he will not talk to me. He seems to think his %$$ doesn't smell and I'm no good. But maybe thats because he has big $$$ and I don't

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Midwest redneck

11-04-2006 15:59:11

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 14:56:35  
Hmmmm..... well what you could do with that nosey guy is ask him for help while you are pumping out the septic tank, or cleaning the *rap out of the barn. Or ask him for help raking the leaves, he should get the point fast.

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11-04-2006 17:06:20

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to Midwest redneck, 11-04-2006 15:59:11  
Ya and you never know---he might just help you---and you guys might just whined up getting along just fine---I mean it does happen,,,just my two cents---I got neabors that stop in to snoop on me once in a wile to but we live 10 to 30 miles apart so you get so you realy enjoy them,,,,even the ones you dont care for. :o)

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nut 2 oad

11-04-2006 14:00:17

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 Re: do you think yer nieghbors snoopin..... in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:22:07  
Maybe he is juss a good neighbor,,,, and is concerned. You juss not busy enuf there mr old,,,,, writin snively stuff for these readers,,,, go find something productive ta keep ya sef busy and ya won't notice yer snoopy neighbor.

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11-04-2006 14:59:01

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 Re: do you think yer nieghbors snoopin..... in reply to nut 2 oad, 11-04-2006 14:00:17  
I WAS DOING JUST THAT. I was sighting in the guns for deer season and I was minding my own business and he was putting his nose in my business thats why it gets me pissed off. I live where I live to have a private life and my drive way is a mile long to keep it that way

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11-06-2006 06:34:27

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 Re: do you think yer nieghbors snoopin..... in reply to old, 11-04-2006 14:59:01  
So what is really happening is that you have a problem with what he's doing on his own property?

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11-06-2006 07:05:23

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 Re: do you think yer nieghbors snoopin..... in reply to dhermesc, 11-06-2006 06:34:27  
No have no problem what he dose as long as hes not spying on me for no good reason.

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Dave H (MI)

11-04-2006 16:27:00

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 Re: do you think yer nieghbors snoopin..... in reply to old, 11-04-2006 14:59:01  
Hey Rich....you got a mile long driveway on 40 acres? Let me guess, you put yer house down by the road but ran the drive all the way to the back and then front again? Either that or you got a bowling alley for a lot. Anyhow....enough tuggin on yer leg....the poor guy is probably just bored. Why don't you wave him on over and get him a cold one?

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11-04-2006 16:47:47

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 Re: do you think yer nieghbors snoopin..... in reply to Dave H (MI), 11-04-2006 16:27:00  
Nope most of my drive way is on his land. My place has a lot of other peoples land around it and I have a deeded axcess to my place across his land. His house is more then a mile from my place and he probably has to drive about 2 maybe 3 miles just to come down here to snoop on me and see what I'm shooting at.

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11-04-2006 13:44:22

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:22:07  
In Illinois the game warden could give him a ticket for disturbing your hunting. Check your regulations and call the game warden if you want, the will clarify the rules for you.

Also I see your in Missouri on your site, I speed alot of weeekends neer Gravois mill we have a Stover, Mo address on the lake just wondered how far you are from there? I would like to do some bow hunting in Missouri.

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11-04-2006 13:52:40

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to Marks8N, 11-04-2006 13:44:22  
All we are doing right now or should I say where doing was sighting in the guns. Gravois is about 20 miles north of me. I also welcome a few people on my place to go hunting. I have only 44 arces but I also have 15 or so deer stands out and see deer here all the time. Bow season is open right now, but on the 11th gun season opens for 10 days or so then bow again. Then muzzle loader for a week or so then doe saeson opens in Dec. In between all that bow saeson is open again. Bow season lasts here till Jan. 15th

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11-04-2006 16:47:26

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:52:40  
All we are doing right now

You say WE, would that be any and everybody and their dog who wants to sight their rifle in on your property? Sounds like a lot of deer stands for you on 44 acres with a mile of driveway.

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11-04-2006 17:14:55

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to regalbe, 11-04-2006 16:47:26  
By the way its just my family and one friend that are sighting in the guns. But I was sighting in 7 or 8 guns. I also collect guns so I do have a few of them

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11-04-2006 16:53:25

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to regalbe, 11-04-2006 16:47:26  
Well think about it. With 44 acres and 15 stands thats 3 acres per stand and sitting on a stand you can't hunt 3 acres from each stand so no I don't have near enough stands. Also 50% of my land is woods that are very thick so that makes it even harder to hunt. Most places your lucky if you have a 50 yard shot in the wooded areas

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11-04-2006 14:02:51

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:52:40  
Deer season (shoot with what you got) runs from August 15 until January 1 here.
No wonder y'all's deer get bigger than ours.
Happy hunting,

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John (C-IL)

11-04-2006 13:40:06

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:22:07  
If he stays on his property he is well within his rights to see what is going on in the neighborhood.

Unless you really dislike or don't trust the guy why don't you invite him over while you are sighting in your gun. Maybe even let him know where your blinds and stands are so there won't be any problems.

My problem is the neighbors that think it is okay to drive the deer on my place over to their hunting area.

Like I told them. "When you passed the fence line you were trespassing." End of case.

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11-04-2006 13:55:41

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to John (C-IL), 11-04-2006 13:40:06  
This is one of these guys that has $$ and when he got his land he had restrictions on it, but when we got our land we didn't have any so he keeps tring to put his restriction on me which he can't but he tries so hes just the type to cause trouble if he can. Thats why it bugs me because I know hes doing it just to see if he can cause trouble

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11-04-2006 13:37:58

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:22:07  
Does he have his land posted? Has there been trouble in the past with people 'jumping the gun' and shooting a deer a little early? Has he lost livestock to hunters? Ever think he might want to be invited over for some of the target practice?

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11-04-2006 13:58:14

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to dig, 11-04-2006 13:37:58  
Not this guy hes just doing it to try to see if he can cause trouble. My drive way goes across his land and ever since he got his place hes been tring to keep me from driveing what ever I want in and out of my place. He got his place with restriction but I don't have them and it bugs him

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11-04-2006 18:34:45

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:58:14  
I've read all the posts,for and against you. I believe you should know this guy pretty good by now and are a better judge of him and his intentions than any one on here. If you want to correct the problem,embarass him. Set up a tent (preferably somewhat translucent) about 20 yds. from his property line. Set up a 12 V. batt. and a headlight in the tent and keep the tent closed with "keep out" sign on it . He will call the cops and complain there is a meth lab operating on your property. The cops will come out and tell him otherwise.He won't believe them and won't stop calling them until they threaten HIM with false reports and prosecution. Tell them it is your hunting tent and the light is so no-one will disturb it.You really need NO explaination at all since you are breaking NO laws. HE WILL STOP

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bill mar

11-04-2006 13:35:41

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 Re: O/T What do you think of a nieghbor snooping in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:22:07  
if you are not doing anything illegal whats the difference as long as he stays on his property?some people have nothing better to do.

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nut 2 oad

11-04-2006 13:34:59

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 Re: do you think yer nieghbors snoopin..... in reply to old, 11-04-2006 13:22:07  
Maybe he is juss a good neighbor,,,, and is concerned. You juss not busy enuf there mr old,,,,, writin snively stuff for these readers,,,, go find something productive ta keep ya sef busy and ya won't notice yer snoopy neighbor.

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