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ot pets how you got them

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11-09-2006 19:23:53

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our 1 female cat got hit on the road last night . mrs 730 is very upset about it . we have 2 dogs 1 came with mrs 730 . 1 is tall kids has had her 15 years . we have 7 other cats . 2 we got by choice 5 just wandered here . we think 3 of them have been dumped . why poeple can dump an animal of any kind is beyond me . we love our cittters here and losing 1 is hard . mrs 730 took this kinda rough . being disabled makes harder for her as she is limited to what she can do. she likes watching cats and dogs as give her something to do and think about .

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11-11-2006 03:13:43

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
BTDT!!!!! My deepest sympathy to your wife. Best advice I can give is to get her a replacement asap.In 2000 my wife brot home a Jack Russel terrier for our youngest daughter from work, gal she worked with had to move and couldn't take dog. I was'nt very happy about it but evidently my opinion don't count. Daughter was jr in HS and didn't spend much time with dog so it bonded with my wife. When daughter left she wanted dog and wife said no way, she is mine , so dog stayed. Dog slept in our bed, was at my wife's heel where ever she went, turned into a replacement for grown children. Fast forward to 2005. When she got loose outside, she would go nuts and run everywhere, we were afraid something would happen to her so when outside she was on a cable. Wife left for work, and I tried to put her in the house, but she wanted to stay outside so I left her out. Did this a lot in the summer. Awfullly dry then and I had been watering trees every morning before going to work. Didn't unhook the hose from the house, Dog could barely reach it. Wife called me crying when she got home, Dog is dead, tied up in hose. I came right home, wife is crying her eyes out, cats liked to tease dog and must have got her riled enough to get to hose and get her tangled in it and choked to death. 3 days and nights of crying was enough, I said we were getting another dog, she said she never wanted another and I said too bad, we aren't going to go thru this every night. Called Jack Russel Rescue and found one 30 miles from home. Went to see it and the lady said it would kind of be up to the dog, if she didn't like us, we would have to keep loking. Went into her house and she let dog loose. A brown and white whirlwind burst out of the kennel and flew around the kitchen2 or 3 times and jumped about 6 ft into my lap, stuck it's tongue in my ear and licked over to my other ear and then jumped down and did same to my wife. The lady said, I think she likes you folks. Asked if she ate dog food or people food and the lady said she wasn't sure if she ate table food or not, thot dog food only. First time I saw my wife smile in 4 days. We took her home and dog is like a baby to my wife. If wife is setting down, dog is on her lap. When we eat, dog thinks she has to have anything we eat and wife spoils her bad. Long story short, pets become part of family and when you loose one, it is the death of a loved one. Get her another as soon as you can. It's fills the empty void, helps with the grieving. Hope you find another cat for her SOON. Chris

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Randy as in Randy-IA

11-10-2006 23:36:27

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
Sorry to hear about your cat. Some of them grow on a person just like dogs do . They can get such unique personalities . We have an unknown number of cats ( over twenty ) that we feed including at least 8 kittens , about half have names other than kitty-kitty .

We usually have more dogs than cats though we are down to 12 dogs now from 20 at the most . Each and every one ( almost ) has a special place in our hearts and 9 of them even have a special place in the house except for the aussy cattle dog and the siberians who don't much like the heat inside . We used to rescue all breeds , right now we even have a possum in rehab that was run over with all it's litter-mates on the road , it was the only one to survive though it's now blind ( a friendly little critter too ) . We have a three-legged cat named Tripod , a cat that had it's tail surgically removed name Bob , a rescued spaniel that's more or less mentally retarded due to severe dehydration as a puppy when my wife found it under a neighbors corn crib after they let the momma lay in their driveway dead for 4 days and drove around it through the yard to avoid touching it , a dalmation that my wife had to walk in front of hunters to rescue because they were shooting at him as a puppy but missed and were laughing at how scared it was , and the list goes on . We have dogs from as small as a 4lb toy poodle to as large as a 140lb rotweiller with most of them weighing over thirty pounds . Most of our cats have been solid black and on the small side but that's recently been changing and now we are getting some strays with color and size showing up . I forgot to mention the 5 horses and one chicken too . the chicken has got to be at least 8 years old , I didn't know chickens lived that long ! I hope this might cheer you and Mrs 730 up some . We love all types of animals and have probably had them on this farm as rescues or pet's at one time or another including the wild ones that most people want gone . Take care ...Randy

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steve in in

11-10-2006 13:06:52

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
We have two cats, well, one and a half. One of them only comes around about every 7 to 10 days for just an hour or two. His name is Cheeto.

A few years ago I was sawing up some logs on a farm I was taking care of. The owner of the farm gave me 15 or 20 mostly Walnut trees. Anyway, I had hauled my chainsaw up to my truck to once again sharpen the chain. When I went back, there was this little 5 or 6 week old kitten sitting on the log I had just been cutting on. I looked all around that farm and in the creek for any litter mates or a mother. Before I did though, seeing that he was so skinny, I opened a bag of cheetos from my truck and he went at them. Thus the name. I took him home with me that evening.

Hootie just showed up one day in my barn. I opened the door and there she was, staring up at me. She was probably a couple of months old. She kinda looked like an owl, but now looks more like a coon.

We had given up on cats before these two. We had went through 7 or 11 or so in just a couple of years due to the highway out front or the coyotes out back. These two have stuck around, knock on wood. I have had Cheeto for 3 1/2 years now. Hootie has probably been around for a couple years now.

The cat that caused us to give up on cats was named Girlie. She was a real good mouser and was pregnant. She was probably just a few days away from delivering when she go ran over by a car. We were pretty heart broken about that. We had got her and two brothers from my boss at work. The two brothers lasted maybe 5 or 6 months. Girlie was well over a year old.

I would welcome more cats, but if we move, they stay with the house, I mean barn.

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Daves 40 acre

11-10-2006 12:24:32

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
Well chocolate lab was found on the side of the road with litter mates and bag of food, collie mix came with the farm, shitzu came with the missus. What kills me is the lab was left on the side of the road makes me sick. I wouldn't trade any of these animals for nothing, they all have thier own personalities.

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11-10-2006 07:50:31

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
Have a 14 year old Lab we bought as a pup, a German Shepherd we rescued from the pound, a Miniature Dacschund that we bought for my daughter and she has had 4 Dacschund puppies (the dog, not my daughter)! Have one cat that was given to us and two that have just wondered into the shop....oh and a sister-in-law that has been living with us for three years that I can't seem to get rid of!

The dogs are all part of our family and I wouldn't give them up for anything! They provide us with constant entertainment and companionship that just seems to brighten up every day. As much as I complain about the cats I probably couldn't give them up either, just the way we are.

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11-10-2006 07:13:19

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
Got my little heeler / collie mix after someone dropped the whole litter off on the side of the road. At least someone had the heart to turn them into the local vet once they were found. I still can't understand how people can do that. Oh well...that dog is the king of the castle now! Wouldn't trade Nash for the world!

All the way from Lancaster, WI...here he is!

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the Unforgiven

11-10-2006 07:07:31

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
Sorry to hear about your cat, I have always been a cat person and you can get attatched to the good ones. I have two little girls now and wanted something that would hate everything but them so I got a pair of purebred German Shepherds, and I love them. They escort the girls to the school bus, to grandma's house, through the pastures and the woods like a pair of armed gaurds. The male is with me most of the day, I prefer his company to most of the people I know. When the 1086 fires up he insists on going with me, but at 110 healthy pounds, I spend most of the time with at least one foot on the windshield. I never could understand how some guys got some broke-up over losing a dog, but I think I can see why now. As far as how did I get them, I paid what seemed like two arms and a hand.

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11-10-2006 04:47:06

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
Our last was a Cocker given to us as a puppy. Had her for 16 yrs before she finally died. Now we have a 10 yr old Golden that we adopted from a local Golden Rescue group. Great dog. Lots of dogs waiting for adoption. Do a search for a rescue group in your area for whatever kind of dog you want and most likely you will find it.

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11-09-2006 23:27:37

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
Well, We've got Olivia and Gus, both collies. Livy is a blue mearle and we got her when we let Diamond and Bogart breed (We got both of them from a lady in Alaska, 2 completely separate blood lines) Diamond died of a uterine infection a couple months back, and I still really miss her.

Gus we got about a year ago from another breeder in Green Bay (actually, I think he kinda picked me) in October, after Bogart was hit on the road on Aug. 28 last year. Miss him too, they were the best 2 dogs we've ever had, and both were too young to die.

A far as the cats go, there's gotta be atleat 30 of them outside right now, and none of them are ever comeing in. We try to get rid of a few if we can to egt them in a good home, but otherwise a good portion don't make it past 1 year.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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low budget

11-10-2006 01:44:40

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to Don-Wi, 11-09-2006 23:27:37  
Used to have a lot of barn cats too. Only a few left .I think the coyotes have been getting them.

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Old Pokey

11-09-2006 21:11:13

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 Sorry to hear about that........ in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
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Condolences to you and Mrs.730.

I have one dog, or rather he has one human. I got him at about 7 months old as a rescue dog. His previous owners lost interest once the puppy grew up a little. He's a blue and red heeler mixed with something. i think it must a spitdog in the mix, cause his salivary glands work overtime.

My last dog wa s heeler too, though it was a purebreed. I got him as a rescue dog too. He made it to 14 years old. Even after being gone for over 2 years, its still tough to think about him. Lots of good times here on the farm.

If this picture loads, it'll be of Bentley. He's the spitdog.

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Roy Suomi

11-09-2006 20:18:08

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
I had a male Maltese..Sort of a guys dog..Was my stepsons dog till he bit his wife a couple of times..She wouldn't look when she got up off the couch and stepped on him many times..Guess he got tired of that and retaliated..Well the last bite was the straw that broke the camels back..Either I take him or he was to be put down....So "Drampa" took the little tyke.. "Duster and Drampa" did all the guy things together..We went to local car shows , it was great..He was a real babe magnet..We went on service calls together in my F-600.. What a sight,a big s.o.b. with a little white pooch riding on my lap..Miss the little guy..Got cancer and died about a year ago..I think I'm gonna get another sometime soon.

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NC Wayne

11-09-2006 20:12:59

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
Currently have one dog, "Roscoe" we've had a little over a year. He's a lab mix we got from a couple who had several other pets. They had gotten him as a puppy and were keeping him in a kennel til they realized how big he was gonna get. He's really smart and protective of my boy too which is a good thing. Over the years we've had one dog I picked up off the side of the road as a pup. Her name was Pinky because a pink belly was about all you could tell about her at the time. She lasted nearly 13 years before going off somewhere to die. Her six pups were all great dogs too and all but two that disappeared as pups stayed around anywhere from 6 to 12 years with each suffering various fates as country dogs tend to do. One not from that clan was Peggy Sue. She was a stray that had been adopted by the people at a place I worked. I got her as 6 plus year old when their insurance company told them she has to go because they were afraid she'd bite somebody. They were gonna call the pound but I tood them I'd give her a home. She died at 14 from an inoperable tumor. The hardest one to loose though was Jett who my boy picked out and who got hit a year later, on the first day of his summer vacation. I'm usually pretty unshakable when it comes to the fate of my animals but I admit even I cried when he got hit. The rest were all good dogs, don't get me wrong, but Jett had a personality that made him almost human. Funny thing, Roscoe who was gotten as a replacement for Jett is the same way, if not worse, when it comes to smarts and personality.

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37 chief

11-09-2006 20:04:47

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
I am sorry to hear about your cat, we sure become attached to our furry friends. We have four cats now. One just showed up one day on the hay pile. one we rescured from the shelter. The other was from a moma cat my daughter rescured. I think the oldest cat my daughter brought home when she lived at home.I have a grave yard out back with a lot of my cat friends in it. Stan

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11-09-2006 19:42:39

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
We've had a stray tomcat hanging around the past few weeks. He started showing up about the same time one of our other cats was killed by a mutt. I've seen it before, at a neighbor's house, but it seems to like hanging around here now. Friendly thing, and his coat (Charcoal Grey)SHINES in the sunlight!

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11-09-2006 19:37:05

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to 730virgil, 11-09-2006 19:23:53  
Very sorry about your cat, hope it can be saved. we have a cat and a dog, dog is half collie and half chow, built like a chow but natured like a collie(is he a designer dog, chollie?), cat is full blooded persian that a good friend had but did not want, both were given to us and we love them both. good luck on your cat and prayers for your wife.


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11-09-2006 21:12:35

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 Re: ot pets how you got them in reply to wfw, 11-09-2006 19:37:05  
Bitsy was usually 2 nd one to back door first in morning . she didn't show up this morning we wondered way . i found her when i went to town . it was to late by then .

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