Allan: Think about this, as I travel the countryside I see far more 06 and 56 series tractors in good shape than 66 and 86. In fact I can't remember when I've seen a 66 or 86 I'd take a second look at. I'm talking about tractors on farms as well as dealer lots. Around these parts, there are all kinds of 06 and 56 well looked after and in good condition. I have three neighbors with 856s, all bought new by those folks. I've often said 06 and 56 were better tractors, but there really wasn't a whole lot of difference in the 4 series. Here is my theory, 06 and 56 were bought new when there was relatively good times down on the farm. They were bought by farmers a bit more established, better net worth, etc. when high interest hit in 80s. Probably most of them along with matching equipment was paid for by the time the farm crunch came along. 66 and 86 on the other hand were probably owned by farmers with a lot less equity. A lot of the young farmers of the day farmed several years, not knowing if they were even going to be able to hang on. The banker did indeed pull the plug on many of them, and the ones that did manage to squeek by, did it on a shoe string. Not exactly the kind of conditions, that keeps folks up to snuff on their maintinence and serviceing. There is a a scrap yard a few miles from me, not many 06 and 56 grills sticking up in that lot, but it's full of 66-86 grills. I was there this summer and that fact stuck out like a sore thumb.