Hi DTurke, Sounds like my first X-mass experience when I was on my crutchs. I'm hobbling down the main isle when a woman was walking towards me and wasn't going to move so I stopped and she continued walking right upto my face. She said "you gonna move or what" I leaned over and replyed "go F yourself". This is pretty typical of the type of person your gonna meet while hobbling around. From the voice of experience, do NOT let them put you in a Western Walker boot, aka, bunny boot, as you'll regret that move. Suck up the pain and keep trying to use the foot. If you ware the boot for even a small amount of time there's a good chance you'll loose some if not all of your foot movement. Another is don't use just a one side support (crutch/kane) as then you might develope low back and shoulder problems. Either use both crutchs or don't. Adjust your crutchs so they do NOT touch your arm pits and pick your weight with your hand bar. I shattered all the bones in my forefoot and damaged the nerves in the bones at the same time and now have what's called RSD (Reflex Sympathic Dystrophy) the 44th type of MD, (they study the first 40 types of MD). Feels like your on fire with the slightest touch. T_Bone