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Pilots-airplanes-landing strips

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11-14-2006 15:09:35

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I would like to know how many of you on this forum are:
1) Pilots
2) Own airplanes-what kind
3) Have landing strips on your places.

There is a high concentration of the above around Wray, CO. I was wondering if that was typical.

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11-15-2006 17:35:50

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
own 8 planes ready to fly, and have my own airstrip. OH WAIT! your not talking about radio controlled are ya?

Just havin fun

The Nut

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Joe In CA

11-15-2006 12:51:51

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Private Pilot SEL. First licensed in 1973 in Alaska.

Now own a PA-17 Vagabond and a Rearwin Cloudster project plane. I had heart surgery in 2004 and haven't gotten my medical back but am flying on the Sport Pilot rules. You guys that have lost your medicals should consider this option. As long as you are licensed to drive a car and can pass your BFR every two years you can fly a sport pilot rated 2-place airplane. The early Champs, Cubs (including the Vagabond), Luscombe 8As and early Ercoupes all qualify under that rule. There are many new sport pilot aircraft on the market now too, but they are too expensive for me.


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11-15-2006 12:34:12

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Prvt, S.E.L. had a share of a Cessna 177 fixed gear Cardinal one time, nice plane. no strip at my place, would need a maule, helio, or a rotary-wing...lol...sides havnt flown in years.

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Larry NE IL

11-15-2006 10:53:16

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
I lost my medical, but used to teach flying locally. I was the Illinois State unlimited Aerobatic champ in 1993 and 1994. I got two grown kids. My son flies for a large corporation all over the world. My daughter married a great guy, My son and I got him interested in flying and now He's flying an F-18 Hornet for the Navy.
I live vicariously through both of them!!

Larry Coltrin

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11-15-2006 07:20:28

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Private Pilot - single engine land.
Tail wheel rated.
Airframe and Powerplant License.
Used to have IA ( Inpsection Authorization ).
Used to be Airframe and Powerplant Examiner for FAA.
Owned 1978 Cessna 152. Bought wrecked and rebuilt it. Spent 7 years managing A & P training school.
Can't fly anymore. Health problems prevent me from passing a medical. Now I just look up while I'm on my tractor, and fly the simulator on my computer. Gene

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11-15-2006 06:42:30

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Started on my private liscense in April of 88, got 62.2 hrs of which 2.4 are solo. Stopped in Nov of 91. Seems good weather for flying was also good weather for farming so I had to make a choice. Still have the itch but I'm older and maybe afraid to scratch it. A friend, who was my instructor part of the time, is building his own Vans 2 seater. If it makes it through the first 25 hours maybe I'll go up with him.

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Randy S.E.-MN

11-15-2006 06:34:05

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
SEL since 1987. Rated to 172 Cessna

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John (MO)

11-15-2006 05:40:18

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
SEL since 1978
Marchetti 205
Dont have my own strip

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11-15-2006 05:10:48

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Does this count ? My mother was one of those crazy WASPs during WWII, trained at old Avenger Field in Sweetwater,TX. Ferrying planes around before the bugs were worked out meant nothing to them. She started with biplanes in the 30's and flew into the mid 70's.
I should post a photo of her sitting on the wing of an AT-6, her favorite. Tough, young gal who turns 90 on Saturday. Happy birthday, mom !
Kestrel 'n CT

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11-15-2006 05:19:08

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to Kestrel, 11-15-2006 05:10:48  
I'd really like to see that photo! I had s great Aunt that did that too. Gutsy ladys is the term for sure. She did a lot of missionary work after the war in India and Affrica.

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11-15-2006 11:17:03

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to Kestrel, 11-15-2006 07:11:54  
third party image

I took a copy of the original, and enhanced it with contrast and some repair. I hope you like it. I can Email it to you to print a new copy for her birthday if you would like it. JimN

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11-15-2006 11:39:58

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to Janicholson, 11-15-2006 11:17:03  
Hey Jim
That's amazing and such a nice thing to do. Sure, please send me an e-mailed copy. What software program did you use by the way ?
I have family photos going back to the 1880s that could make use such technology, before they turn to dust.

Kestrel 'n CT e-mail: cnash860@comcast.net

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11-15-2006 07:53:40

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to Kestrel, 11-15-2006 07:11:54  
That is a treasure of a photo! And UYup Allan hits it on the head. It is infuriating. I am making good money because of it though. My little airport handles business jets and it is really starting to blossom as the buisness croud is fed up with arriveing 3 hours early, being patted down and treated as criminals while others more ominus in stature walk on through.

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Allan In NE

11-15-2006 07:41:22

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to Kestrel, 11-15-2006 07:11:54  
Ya darned right!

We sure can't offend anyone, now can we? :>)

I say if they have a towel wrapped around their head, give 'em the boot and let decent people get on with their normal daily lives.

Now, we'll cover the subject of those entering while passing gas from eating too many portions of re-fried beans in the next chapter. :>)


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Allan In NE

11-15-2006 08:10:11

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to Allan In NE, 11-15-2006 07:41:22  
Another thing that torques me off is that windstorm ordeal down south.

Mother nature tries to flush her toilet, which by the way has been overdue for generations now and the press paints it as being George's fault.

I'll bet that man can't wait to hit the highway in a couple of years. Let Nancy with the large mouth fix it.

'Course we all know where the funding will originate. :>(


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Allan In NE

11-15-2006 06:04:04

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to Sloroll, 11-15-2006 05:19:08  
You Bet!

They were all tough back then. Now, we have people taking off their shoes at airports and having their spare underware inspected.

FDR was right; whatever happened to good old-fashioned racial profiling anyway?

If it looks, acts, walks and talks like a duck, it's probably a damned duck. :>)


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jubilee johnny

11-15-2006 05:07:59

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Didn't they lengthen the runway at the Holyoke airport because of the new golf course between Wray and Holyoke?

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11-15-2006 03:36:36

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Hi coflyboy,

Something to think about.

I had a friend that spent 35yrs at Boeing, was a flyer at a young age and always had his own plane. When he retired from Boeing he built a new home on a private air park of 50 homes.

George's son was a commerical pilot for 20yrs.

George's 2nd son was a fully qualifed pilot of 15yrs.

Son #1 was at the controls that day when a neighbor took his air space, they think!

Goerge died at 72yrs old, #1 son will never fly commerical aircraft again and took 4 yrs in the hospital to recover then as far as I know still in therophy after 15yrs. Son #2 went back to work off and on for 5yrs out of the 15yrs but couldn't take the pain.

Each son had 4 childeren. Had #1 son and George had not had excellant insurance, All the family's would be broke.

Georges wife of 50yrs was standing on the porch watching when George hit the ground. I don't think she ever returned to the house after the accident. She sold the house.

One of the last commerical filghts I was on was in the Bering Sea on St. Thomas Island where we landed to take on fuel. We started to taxi from the side area onto the main gravel runway when we made a very sharp left hand 180º turn as a 707 touched down.

Now there's only two planes in 1000 square miles of air space and my pilot and co-pilot miss seeing a 707 trying to land. Another 15ft and I wouldn't be here telling you this story now.

A jet landing on a gravel runway??? I didn't think they did that.

Just between you and me, you couldn't get me on another airplane of any type!


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11-15-2006 05:01:24

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to T_Bone, 11-15-2006 03:36:36  
A bus rolled off a mtside in peru killing 40 odd. I passed at least three fatals on the interstate in the last couple months. A crowd tramples a few to death at a rock concert. A boat goes down drowning several. Don't you watch the news? I guess I believe what you are saying is just as irrational as I'll never take a buss, drive a car or listen to live music again. Lets talk about Christopher Reaves and horses. Everybody has their irrational phobia I suppose. Every body has their time too, even if they just sit on their butts and stare out the window. I am sorry for your friends and I hope the next inconsiderate slob that cuts you off in traffic doesn't leave you and your family in the same mess. No gaurantees.

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11-15-2006 03:29:00

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 Re: Don't do it in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Years ago my neghbor in another place decided to build a runway for a medium-sized propeller plane. It was a grand idea. Seven years later and way over budget it was completed. It was a fine runway with a nice pond and several built-up portions to level the rolling ground. The biggest problem was mowing the thing and the futile attempts to prevent countless dozens of "pilots" from practicing, as well as actually landing, their approach on his runway despite several banners and "X's" that said don't do it. Even a huge military jumbo-something did a practice approach and rattled windows for maybe two miles around. It was endless and a daily occurance.
The runway owner said he regretted things and said he should never have built it. We moved. Several years later he moved. End of story.

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11-14-2006 21:16:00

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
I spent 34+ years working for Boeing as a Propulsion Engineer retiring as Chief Engineer for Propulsion Research and Preliminary Design in 1999. I worked on the 707, 727,737,SST,YC-14,757,7J7,777,HSCT,737NG and a bunch of other stuff.
I'm through with that part of my life. No offense but I wouldn't want any part of an airport around me. I have a small cattle ranch in Western Montana and I'm living my dream. It took 34+ years in the aircraft industry to be able to do that. I live right below the main air route between Chicago and Seattle and our sky is full of contrails from the air traffic when the conditions are right. Those aircraft at FL350 and above are close enough for me!

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Craig in MO

11-14-2006 20:38:31

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
PP SEL 400 hours, gave it up so I could get divorced. Never got back into it. My farming eats all my cash now. LOL

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11-14-2006 19:56:29

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Dont fly anymore because lack of meducal. Started in 1948 in college, (200hrs) then to jets in Lareedo texas, four engine school in California and the to Nevada for some more jet training then to Germany with a c54 and some B57 time for USAFE DCS Intelligence. Flew charter for a few years after the service and then for pleasure. Ovcer the years I owned a J-2, J-3, 172 and 182. Quite a bit of sailplane time for a few year and owned a Schwietzer 126. Little over 7000 hours total. Im too old and not well now.

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11-14-2006 19:38:39

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
third party image

Run a Small FBO GGI in Grinnell IA. 5200ft of fun Restoring a J3, own A Cherokee for training, Building a Kelly D (Hatz derivitive), Am working on purchasing a Meyers OTW right now. I will be asking for donations for the OTW.

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11-14-2006 19:34:54

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Back in the 70's, I belonged to a club that started out with a PA-22-108 Colt then Cessna 150,172,PA-24-250 Comanchee,PA-28-140 Cherokee. I owned a Citabria 7eca until I tore the wheels off (young and thought I was better than I was) I always wanted to do some ag flying but lost a few friends and got married at the same time frame. End of flying carrier.

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11-14-2006 19:27:12

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
third party image

No plane no license but fly often with the neighboring airport. Its a blacktop runway.

You can see the plane landing while I'm raking hay.

I've never landed a plane but have taken off the ground while piloting.


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11-14-2006 19:12:15

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
I've been a pilot and CFI for over 46 years and still fly helicopters and airplanes (single and multi-engine land). Youngest son soloed in Piper Cub off grass strip at age 16. We're planning on purchasing a Maule this next year (?). We've been down to Moultrie and visited with Dan Maule and flew out to his place with a 180 HP 20 year old maule (tail wheel). 1000 foot strip with 60 foot pine trees on one end on a hot Georgia day and it was a piece of cake. My son did the flying. I've flown helicopters starting with the early Bell's and Hillers's, Sikorsky S-58 and S-61, Boeing Vertol 107, Westland 30, Bell 222, BK 117 and all variations of Huey's including B, C and M gunships, D and H (slicks) and the very first versions (YH-40 and A's). Also the infamous "Loach" (OH-6A). Also numerous single and multi-engine land airplanes. 20,000+ hours altogether.

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Gene Dotson

11-14-2006 17:45:40

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
I live near De Graff, in Western Ohio
I have been flying since 1967. I am now flying a 1977 Maule M5-210C. I own 28 acres and have a 1900 foot airstrip in the center oriented north and south with a woods on the north end to essentially make it a one way strip. The Maule is the perfect airplane for a farm strip and is equipped and capable of long cross country flights at 140 MPH.
I have a commercial license with Instrument, multi-engine and flight instructor ratings. Have done air charter, flight instructing and aerial patrol work in the past, but only fly for pleasure now. I have a little over 1900 flying hours now. Have owned Cessna 120 and 182's in the past.
My Amish neighbors refer to me as "The Airplane Man" and look forward to seeing me fly, but they are not allowed to fly in airplanes.
The barn/hangar combination is shared with 13 Case tractors and 2 Farmalls, and a Case bulldozer and 4 lawn tractors. I have been retired 4 1/2 years and bought this property after I retired. I farm 20 acres in crops and have 3 acres in hay... Gene

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two mile

11-14-2006 17:27:31

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Just got my private pilots license in September. Bought 1/2 share of a c-172 to finish training in. Great airplane! Had thoughts of putting in a 1900' strip before we bought the plane. Some of the obstacles would have been: power lines, 2 fields turning into 4, 4 acres out of production, maintainance issues, and no hanger. Besides the partnership works better at our local airport, the pavement is never soft, and they plow the snow.

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Everett Mi

11-14-2006 17:15:56

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Haven`t flown in a while. Late 70`s and early 80`s had 1964 skyhawk, then a 1973 hawk xp(the perfect airplane,I think). Used to fly from Grose ile Mi to the farm near Kalkaska Mi when my folks were alive. Dad built a landing strip for me. Still have the strip but no one uses it any longer. Longest trip was from Mi. to the Florida keys and back.

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11-14-2006 16:43:16

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
PPSEL, about 90 hours or so, some in 172's but most in cherokee variants. I've done some work toward my IFR rating, but I've still got a long way to go.

Not able to fly as much as I want. My goal in life is to buy 80 acres, put a 2,000 foot strip right down the middle of it, and fly my own aircraft off of it and farm the rest with antique equipment. I recently became interested in homebuilts (my neighbor airline pilot is building one in his basement) and I might even give that a try; the two I am most interested in now are the Savannah (www.skykits.com) and the STOL 701 (www.zenithair.com). Both look like they would be perfect for a grass strip.

When I look on Google Earth, I'm surprised at the number of grass strips that are around. Several are in the area where I used to hang out while growing up-they were there then, too, but I just didn't know what I was looking at.

It makes me wonder what kind of classic aircraft are sitting around in old barns and hangars on the farms-cubs, aeroncas, etc.

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11-14-2006 16:38:48

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Not a pilot, but do make a living in aviation as a technical advisor for a large helicopter operator and have been based in bay of Campeche for the last six and a half years. Got my A&P in 1977 and have only worked with rotor wing. Mostly deal with Bell 407, 212 and 412 models now.

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11-14-2006 16:04:43

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
I had a 1978 Cessna 152. It made me real happy on two days. The day I bought it and the day I sold it. Much too expensive a hobby for an old redneck. (I did clear about five grand on it though.)

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Allan In NE

11-14-2006 15:56:03

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
I have a landing strip out here in the boonies. Nobody ever uses it tho. Mostly 'cause the badgers are always tearin' it up and makin' holes in it.

Silly neighbors refer to it as the "county road" fer some reason. :>)


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11-14-2006 15:42:56

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
1)Student pilot with 80hrs haven't flown since September 2001 still want to finish as I have a bundle invested in the training. 2)Had a 1/3 share in a PA-22 Piper Tri-Pacer for 3yrs. 3)I've often thought about a strip here at the place, but 1300' of not real flat doesn't leave alot of options. Airplanes and old tractors are at the top of my interests. jim

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11-14-2006 15:38:33

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
Got my private in 1973, commercial rating in 1976, bought my first and only airplane in 1975, a 1953 Cessna 170B which we sold in 1995. Not currently active just because I've been to lazy to get my medical renewed. Never had enough property to have my own runway. But I do make my living as an A&P mechanic for a corporate flight department maintaining a Gulfstream G-100 jet. I enjoy tinkering with old machinery just because it's a relief to do after working on computer controled this and that all day.

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11-14-2006 15:12:01

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to coflyboy, 11-14-2006 15:09:35  
I still call myself a pilot. Was a flight instructor in 1980-81. Haven't been able to afford to fly snce, but get to go up with some friends once in a while.

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11-14-2006 16:24:44

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to RAW in IA, 11-14-2006 15:12:01  
Got my ticket in 1968 with instrument and commerical in 1974.Owned Cesna 172,Piper arrow and Cesna 210. I had my own strip behind the house.Lost my medical age 62.Also gave up skydiving at 62.

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11-14-2006 18:12:21

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to Johnbob, 11-14-2006 16:24:44  
Used to get high back in the early 70's, does that count?

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Hoosier JD

11-14-2006 18:25:00

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to Harley, 11-14-2006 18:12:21  

....was that on the road to Hooterville?

Man....it's always an adventure here.....!!!


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11-14-2006 23:17:09

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to Hoosier JD, 11-14-2006 18:25:00  
Ya, just got back in country and found out what all I'd missed. Sure don't miss that now though, and kinda glad I lived through it.

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11-15-2006 05:14:54

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 Re: Pilots-airplanes-landing strips in reply to Harley, 11-14-2006 23:17:09  
I'm a A&P mechanic but don't fly. Have flown in the L1011, MD88, B737, 757, 767 simulators. I currently still work on the 737,757,767,777 and rarely a MD88 or MD11. There 3 airstrips within 3 miles of me.

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